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Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:16 am
by acmeist
Another board brought to my attention that graduation from seminary is required for anyone to be considered for a foreign mission. Does anyone know more about this protocol? It doesn't surprise me, but I wonder how members feel about that. When I was active, it was usually stressed that foreign missions or stateside missions didn't matter and one wasn't better than the other in terms or prestige or righteousness. This requirement though seems to not support that idea completely. Is this an unwritten rule? Thanks to anyone with further insight.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:36 am
by alas
acmeist wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:16 am Another board brought to my attention that graduation from seminary is required for anyone to be considered for a foreign mission. Does anyone know more about this protocol? It doesn't surprise me, but I wonder how members feel about that. When I was active, it was usually stressed that foreign missions or stateside missions didn't matter and one wasn't better than the other in terms or prestige or righteousness. This requirement though seems to not support that idea completely. Is this an unwritten rule? Thanks to anyone with further insight.
I think the reason for it is that a foreign mission is harder and often more expensive, and they only want to send the kids who are most church broke. Even back when my brothers went (67 & 69) went it was a requirement/strong suggestion. I think if no seminary was unavailable in the area it could be an exception, but especially for kids out of Utah, it was required, or at least preference was given. If a kid has made it through four years of seminary, theoretically it shows more commitment to the church, or dictator parents. So, they are more likely to stick it out in Europe where nobody is interested.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:33 am
by Palerider
I went overseas in the early 70's and only had three years of seminary. This is the first I've heard of the policy.
But then I'm in the dark about a lot of things. ;)

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:46 am
by Ho Lee Turtle
I was told that there are some foreign countries that will only allow missionaries to preach publicly that have completed a seminary training program before they can be religious ministers in their country. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but does make some sense.

Little do they realize that LDS seminary is nothing like the seminary that other religions put their pastors/ministers through before they start preaching the word.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:40 pm
by alas
Ho Lee Turtle wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:46 am I was told that there are some foreign countries that will only allow missionaries to preach publicly that have completed a seminary training program before they can be religious ministers in their country. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but does make some sense.

Little do they realize that LDS seminary is nothing like the seminary that other religions put their pastors/ministers through before they start preaching the word.
Now that you mention it, I have heard this before. But is the rule about seminary for all foreign missions, or just the ones with this requirement?

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:21 pm
by Anon70
Ho Lee Turtle wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:46 am I was told that there are some foreign countries that will only allow missionaries to preach publicly that have completed a seminary training program before they can be religious ministers in their country. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but does make some sense.
This is what we were told when our son got called to a foreign mission.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2019 8:46 pm
by DPRoberts
Went to a foreign mission late 70s. No seminary at all even though it was available through released time (morcor).

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:05 am
by Hagoth
In other words, if you want to go to a cool, exotic place you better pay your dues and demonstrate your devotion.

Mark my words, in a few years seminary graduation will become a worthiness requisite.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:59 am
by Spicy McHaggis
Maybe seminary is better than it used to be. My 11th grade seminary teacher was such a weirdo I would skip class and go to Carmacks (Main St in Bountiful for any Davis County old timers). They wouldn’t let me take seminary as a senior unless I made up all the missed classes.
I took a 2nd photography class instead.
Maybe that’s why I went to California instead of a foreign mission.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:12 pm
by Brent
My understanding is some foriegn countries (Russia, Brazil) require ministerial training to get a visa as a visiting minister.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 12:08 am
by Mankhoj
Brent wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:12 pm My understanding is some foriegn countries (Russia, Brazil) require ministerial training to get a visa as a visiting minister.
I seem to recall a fireside in the Sao Paulo MTC where a local priethood leader said this to sway some government officials to allow missionaries.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 4:46 am
by blazerb
Spicy McHaggis wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:59 am Maybe seminary is better than it used to be. My 11th grade seminary teacher was such a weirdo I would skip class and go to Carmacks (Main St in Bountiful for any Davis County old timers). They wouldn’t let me take seminary as a senior unless I made up all the missed classes.
I took a 2nd photography class instead.
Maybe that’s why I went to California instead of a foreign mission.
Maybe we should start a thread on seminary stories. My experience was horrible. I made it through 4 years but it was awful.
Ho Lee Turtle wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:46 am I was told that there are some foreign countries that will only allow missionaries to preach publicly that have completed a seminary training program before they can be religious ministers in their country. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but does make some sense.

Little do they realize that LDS seminary is nothing like the seminary that other religions put their pastors/ministers through before they start preaching the word.
I am pretty sure this is true. I am betting that the leaders of those countries have an inkling that Mormon seminary is very different from a real seminary. They just don't want LDS leaders in their office constantly. The parable of the importunate widow comes to mind.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 6:37 am
by Advocate
Definitely wasn't the case 20-odd years ago because I didn't complete 4 years of seminary and still went foreign.

I thought the requirement was just for certain countries that require theological training. It would be sad if it is required for all foreign missions, even if the foreign countries don't care.

Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:20 am
by 1smartdodog
Explains why I ended up in California. Not sure I missed living in a grass hut with critters in abundance.

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Re: Four-year seminary graduation required for foreign missions

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:26 am
by Just This Guy
1smartdodog wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:20 am Explains why I ended up in California. Not sure I missed living in a grass hut with critters in abundance.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I did 3 years and ended up in Cali as well. I really didn't want a foreign language missions, so I am glad I got that. I sucked at language in school. Took French for 2 years and barely learned more than a few phrases.

Cali has a different type of "grass hut."