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Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:52 am
by Not Buying It
This Salt Lake Tribune letter to the editor is spot on - I think we all owe a big thanks to Sam Young for making this small step in the right direction happen: ... ve-former/

Hearing the announcement over the pulpit about the new training initiatives for safeguarding Latter-day Saint youth from predatory leaders made me grateful for the work of former members of the church who were forced to sacrifice their membership in order to bring about these changes.

Without the advocacy of people like Sam Young, I don’t think our church would be experiencing these positive changes. As a group of people, we benefit from the sacrifices of the bold who voice opposition to some of the problematic aspects of our church. Members who would never participate in this opposition still benefit from the advocacy of those the church has officially banished.

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:10 am
by Just This Guy
Yet again, the people in the trenches are right and the Q15 in their ivory tower are clueless and end up agreeing with the people telling them they are wrong eventually anyway.

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:33 am
by Red Ryder
The message we got yesterday in primary was:

“Did everyone get an email from the church?
There’s a training everyone needs to do by mid sept. It’s super easy. It only takes 20 minutes.”

Let’s do singing time!

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:36 am
by Palerider
Maybe when enough members have sacrificed their membership these stupid interviews will stop altogether and youth can work this stuff out with their attentive parents and a trusted clergy if they so desire.

In the meantime the control freaks in the COB can continue doing what the Savior seldom if ever did: Ask regarding worthiness before giving a blessing.

Wasn't he more interested in whether someone believed in him rather than if they were currently worthy?

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:37 pm
by Palerider
Another thought.

If it's members who are risking their membership in the church that are making or forcing these beneficial changes, what does that say about who is really leading the church through revelation....

And what does it say about a church that is being crushed under the weight of it's own bureaucracy and misguided corporate culture?

Since the U.S. government forced the church's hand on the abolishment of polygamy, every significanct change that the church has experienced has come because of pressure from OUTSIDE the Q15.
These guys are always behind the curve because they don't really receive revelation directly from the Savior. Only from Him through those outside of the Q15 circle.

It would be pathetic if it weren't so disdainful.

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 3:44 pm
by Just This Guy
To take it a step further, nearly every revaluation from the start was always in response to some pressure from somewhere. WOW? it came from Emma complaining about the disgusting men in leadership.

How much different would it be if Emma went to talk to JS only to have him say: "Emma, before you say anything, I had a revaluation that you would come to me because the priesthood men are gross. To address the question that you want to ask me, the lord have given me the following. ..."

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:25 am
by Not Buying It
Well, now, we need to be fair, there is at least one change that wasn’t pushed on the Church from the outside. I remember way back in 1999 hearing about how the Church was so inspired it was already Y2K compliant and didn’t need to worry about the disasters that were about the befall the rest of the world on New Year’s Day 2000. And I rejoice for the divine gift of inspired leadership.

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:52 am
by Palerider
Not Buying It wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:25 am Well, now, we need to be fair, there is at least one change that wasn’t pushed on the Church from the outside. I remember way back in 1999 hearing about how the Church was so inspired it was already Y2K compliant and didn’t need to worry about the disasters that were about the befall the rest of the world on New Year’s Day 2000. And I rejoice for the divine gift of inspired leadership.

But did they become compliant because they received information from the industry that Y2k was going to be a problem or because they "heard a voice"?

I bet we never know..... ;)

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:56 am
by moksha
Palerider wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:52 am But did they become compliant because they received information from the industry that Y2k was going to be a problem or because they "heard a voice"?
Those hearing a voice responded well to Clozaril.

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 2:23 pm
by Mackman
I heard a voice once , I told somebody and they wanted to lock me up !!!!!!!!!!

Re: Letter: Brave former members have pushed the LDS Church in the right direction

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:33 pm
by 2bizE
One problem is getting the LDS leaders to actually read or listen to the suggestions. I may take one for the team and smuggle the SLTrib article into the SL temple and leave it in the holy of Holies.