Unusual article for KSL
Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:28 am
Advice on telling people you changed religions by Coach Kim on KSL:
https://www.ksl.com/article/46615821/co ... -religions
https://www.ksl.com/article/46615821/co ... -religions
The funny thing about religion is there is no ultimate source of absolute truth about God or the afterlife. Even though people say they know their truth is the truth because they feel it’s truth, they can’t prove it. This means we are all choosing a belief system that feels right to us. We cannot prove we are right or that anyone else is wrong. So, we should allow each person to follow the dictates of their own heart and should not push our beliefs on them, nor should we try to make them wrong. You might remind them of this truth and ask them to set aside any fears and trust that we are each in the perfect classroom journey for us.