Coffee makes me happy
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:39 pm
I have had some less-than-ideal days lately because of concerns over health issues of a loved one, exacerbated by sleepless nights. On a couple of these days I have stopped for coffee to help me get going in the morning. I'm not a total stranger to coffee, but I never cared that much for the taste and it generally made me feel jittery. But on these occasions there was a dramatic improvement in my mood fifteen or twenty minutes after drinking the coffee. In fact, I went from feeling miserable to feeling like I was on top of the world.
One day last week I reported to (TBM) Mrs. Hagoth that I left the house feeling pretty dismal but after I stopped for coffee I felt like I had taken a happy-reassurance-feel good pill. Her response: "I'm so glad!"
One day last week I reported to (TBM) Mrs. Hagoth that I left the house feeling pretty dismal but after I stopped for coffee I felt like I had taken a happy-reassurance-feel good pill. Her response: "I'm so glad!"