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Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 1:04 pm
by BriansThoughtMirror
I'm working on a blog post about a Catholic group called Regnum Christi. It has some parallels with cultural problems I see in Mormonism. One woman who was a consecrated member for decades gave a really poignant description of one of their doctrines- the leaders, and especially the founder, must be obeyed without question, and never criticized. This could be part of a fascinating discussion! But, it's in Spanish. I initially found the post quoted in English on another blog, but I can't find it anymore. The translation was a little clunky there, too. It was similar to what I got from Google Translate. I know this is a big favor, but can anyone here translate from Spanish, especially in a way that will read more easily for English speakers? I'm hoping someone here is fluent so it's not too hard to do. I would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance, and I'll be glad to credit or thank you on my blog, too!

I'm thinking more of a loose translation than a tight one. :lol:

Here's Google Translate's text:

"In another subsequent conference, in 2009, I heard Fr. Luis Garza say that the founder had the ability to nullify our evangelical critical judgment. I clearly grasped the truth and the scope of those words. It meant that we did not pass through the sieve of our conscience judgment: neither its actions, nor its indications or what it asked us to live or do. "How did you achieve this? What prevented me from pondering in conscience what was coming from him or from the directors?" Having shielded my conscience with two principles inculcated and continuously reaffirmed by himself:

1. The supernatural spirit of faith and trust, that is, seeing God in him or in the directors and, therefore, abandoning himself in his decisions with absolute confidence, in a heroic obedience, that is, blind and radical, of will and judgment. Being he, the Founder chosen by God, received from God the light to guide and direct us; It was up to us, if we wanted to fulfill God's plan, to accept with faith, as if it came from God himself, what we received from him or from someone in authority. To pass it for the reason, was to fall into rationalism, which is the same destroyer of faith and trust, undermining them, submission by obedience ceases to have support.

2. Charity demanded not to think badly and not to speak badly. Admitting the possibility of judging what came from the Founder or from a director, was to admit that he could be wrong and this was a lack of thought against charity. "

"In short, prosecuting something that came from the Founder or from a legitimate authority, involved a triple fault or sin: against supernatural faith and trust, against obedience and against charity. And this was an obvious sign of not loving Jesus Christ as He deserves to be loved."

Here's the Spanish text:
Original: ... %E2%80%9D/

“En otra conferencia posterior, en el 2009, escuché al P. Luis Garza decir que el fundador tuvo la habilidad de anular nuestro juicio crítico evangélico. capté claramente la verdad y el alcance de esas palabras. Significaba que no pasamos por el tamiz de nuestro juicio de conciencia: ni sus acciones, ni sus indicaciones o aquello que nos pidió vivir o hacer. “¿Cómo logró esto? ¿Qué me impedía ponderar en conciencia lo que venía de él o de los directores?” El haber blindado mi conciencia con dos principios inculcados y reafirmados continuamente por él mismo:

1. El espíritu sobrenatural de fe y confianza, es decir, el ver a Dios en él o en los directores y, por tanto, abandonarse en sus decisiones con absoluta confianza, en una obediencia heroica, esto es, ciega y radical, de voluntad y de juicio. Siendo él, el Fundador elegido por Dios, recibía de Dios la luz para guiarnos y dirigirnos; a nosotros nos correspondía, si queríamos cumplir el plan de Dios, acatar con fe, como venido de Dios mismo, lo que recibíamos de él o de quien estuviera en autoridad. Pasarlo por la razón, era caer en el racionalismo, que es el mismo destructor de la fey de laconfianza, minando éstas, la sumisión por obediencia deja de tener soporte.

2. La caridad exigía no pensar mal y no hablar mal. Admitir la posibilidad de enjuiciar lo que venía del Fundador o de un director, era estar admitiendo que él podía estar mal y esto era una falta de pensamiento contra la caridad”.

“En resumen, enjuiciar algo venido del Fundador o de una autoridad legítima, comportaba una triple falta o pecado: contra la fe y confianza sobrenaturales, contra la obediencia y contra la caridad. Y esto, era signo evidente de no amar a Jesucristo como Él merece ser amado”.

Re: Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 3:06 pm
by Kishkumen
I'll work on it tonight. The google translate is fairly correct, not flagrant mistranslations, but the flow is uncomfortable in English. Admittedly, the original in Spanish is a rather formal manner of writing so it would take a little effort to translate the meaning instead of the actual words. Unfortunately, I can't do the United Nations level translation on the fly.

Re: Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 3:26 pm
by BriansThoughtMirror
Thank you a ton, but I don't want to give you a huge project! I wasn't sure how easy or hard this would be. If it's a pain, I can go with the google version. It's not super critical. Please only do it if it's not a ton of trouble (or if you find it interesting and worthwhile, haha). This is going on a "notes" page that I'll link to as part of the main discussion.

But, thanks again, Kishkumen!

Re: Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 3:32 pm
by Random
So, did it get translated successfully?

Re: Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 5:28 pm
by BriansThoughtMirror
It sounded like a much bigger project than I realized, and it was basically for a side note on a blog post. So, I told Kishkumen not to worry about it. I did finally publish the post, though.

Re: Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2019 10:50 pm
by Random
Thanks for the update. (Too bad it turned out to be a larger project than expected.)

Re: Can anyone give a better translation of this Spanish?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 3:22 pm
by moksha
The founder of the Regnum Christi movement that Padre Garza was talking about was Marcial Maciel Degollado, who served as general director of the Legion of Christ from 1941 to 2005. During that 64 year tenure, he was able to sexually abuse generations of Mexican boys and seminarians. Seems like a fitting accomplishment for a hardline conservative religionist.