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Asked to help a family navigate the Truthcrisis

Posted: Wed May 15, 2019 12:54 pm
by Meilingkie
Hi all,

2 months ago an American lady contacted me and asked me if I was the guy from MS episode 705, and she asked if I would help her and others get out. Just as a soundboard and possible friend.

So I went, joined a new FB-group of dutch ex-mormons and disaffected mormons. A few people I referred to in the past now joined as well.

One of the ladies called L I’ve fast become close friends with, and she introduced me to a younger sister of her called J. Well, we have taken to like one another very much, as far as possible with an entire continent between us. So J and I will be going to Cologne for a few days this summer. She comes over from the Far East and will stay with sister L.

Sister L. Wants her lil sis out, and so do I. Brought L. the Joseph Smith papers I had. L read parts and became very angry. Mind you, she left the church 23 years ago already.

I also am handling the move of their personal belongings from the USA. Working at a major shippingline and knowing many movingcompanies, customers of us, helps a lot. I speak their jargon, You get the drill.

L’s and her husband now offered me to come along on the family-holiday, as a token of their love and appreciation and to well.... help us along, you know J and me.
Meaning a week at a something akin to Disneyworld. Including J.❤️, but also their TBM father, stepmom, 3 brothers with families. Thankful, yes. Apprehensive, immense.

Shall I simply keep to the NOM-mantra and go slow?
I know L.’s nevermo-husband is immensely angry now because we recently went through the CES-letter too.

My best-friend Lenny said: they are inviting Satan Incarnate into the family and they know it not😂

Re: Asked to help a family navigate the Truthcrisis

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 8:50 pm
by Hagoth
Interesting developments Meilingkie. Doors close and new doors open.
Meilingkie wrote: Wed May 15, 2019 12:54 pm My best-friend Lenny said: they are inviting Satan Incarnate into the family and they know it not😂
With your new hair and beard style you would look awesome with a couple of horns glued to your forehead.

Re: Asked to help a family navigate the Truthcrisis

Posted: Sun May 19, 2019 2:37 am
by Meilingkie
Got 2 tickets for the TGV to Paris in late August.
Take J. there just for a quick getaway. The day before she departs for the Far East again.