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The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:46 am
by Mackman
Went to church Sun. heard some great talks then went on to Gospel Doctrine class expecting to have a come follow me lesson. Instead we got a talk from the brand new BP about how someday we may not be able to go to church example in SriLanka all Christian services are banned for now to avoid further attacks. We were counseled on how to have church in our homes just in case !!!!! Some of the members have been having the Come follow me lessons and discussion on a week night at the church bldg. NO MORE !!!!! They can have the lessons and discussions just not at church due to church liability etc etc etc i.e. someones home. After all why would you want discuss gospel topics in church right !!!! This presents problems for some elderly physically disabled folks to go to anothers home, much easier to do it at the church bldg. Im not sure where this stupid idea is coming from but its at least stake level if not higher . Im amazed at the dowright stupidity I see here. I guess I will just have church in my own home !!! Thanks.
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 9:22 am
by Corsair
I think your stake leaders have an acute case of persecution envy. Here they are serving in one of the most wealthy religions on the planet whose adherents make up a majority in large regions of one of the most powerful countries in history. Their fellow believers have been prominent members of government, industry, and entertainment.
But your stake leaders are worried that people might relax after the horrors of the Missouri eviction and migration out of Nauvoo. Surely the Second Coming will be preceeded by attacks on the One True Church. If you're not being persecuted, you just might not be God's favorite people. And lucky for your local leadership, a church in Sri Lanka had a deeply tragic event!
Let me pause my satire and express my deepest sympathy for the people of Sri Lanka. This is a horrible event and I won't put some humorous spin on it. I would simply point out to people that want to stop believers in a religion, persecution only makes believers grow and gain more resolve.
My ward had no comment on this tragedy last Sunday. So this is not a church wide thing since I cannot imagine the current group of apostles being quite this tone deaf.
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:44 am
by Red Ryder
I'd argue garments are the most stupid idea ever!
Think about this for a second:
Christianity is under attack!
So say the Christians!!
Do you see the pattern in the two sentences above?
Persecution is easy fish food for the religious. It feeds the need to dig in deep, hunker down, and supports the "we are right all along" complex.
Without persecution, sin, and shame what else does religion have?
Now here's the genius of it all:
RMN proclaims home church as revelation.
Christians are persecuted, killed, and forced into hiding.
Home church saves the day!
See how that works?
Maybe it's not such a stupid idea after all!
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 7:53 am
by MoPag
You should volunteer to test pilot home church. Tell your Bishop that the Mackman family will be doing home church from now on so in the event it becomes a church wide thing, your family will have it down to a science.
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:43 am
by Corsair
MoPag wrote: ↑Wed May 01, 2019 7:53 am
You should volunteer to test pilot home church. Tell your Bishop that the Mackman family will be doing home church from now on so in the event it becomes a church wide thing, your family will have it down to a science.
Tell your bishop you are naming your home church "The Starbuck's Ward".
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 11:09 am
by moksha
If your ward is located in North America or Western Europe there is no need to worry about your right to worship at Church. If you are forced to hold services at your home, remember to withhold the parsonage allowance from your tithing.
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:19 pm
by 2bizE
moksha wrote: ↑Wed May 01, 2019 11:09 am
If your ward is located in North America or Western Europe there is no need to worry about your right to worship at Church. If you are forced to hold services at your home, remember to withhold the parsonage allowance from your tithing.
I really like the home church plan.
Church friend: I haven’t seen you at church lately
Son: I’m home churched.
All activists for home church and home YM/YW, Home RS, and Home EQ can be deducted from tithing.
Idea: go to Disney Land for home church activity and knock off a few grand from tithing.
Idea: Home YM/YW: take the kids to the new End game movie. Deduct the total cost from tithing.
Re: The most stupid idea ever !!!!
Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 7:33 am
by hmb
I'd be okay with home church, as long as the sacramental "water" was a jumbo margarita. Probably without the salt; you don't want to overdo.