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The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 12:08 pm
by Meilingkie
Hello all.

My best friend I often alluded to, Lenny, well he sent me a story.
A true real-life story but when I first read it I could not believe it.
Anyway, I translated it for y'all.


In the band of friends of Boy V. are 4 men.
Boy V., Daniel C, Rob Z. and Marc W.
All have lives full of arguments, fights, and divorces, but for now I will keep it limited to Boy V.
Boy is married with Jessie, and makes a living as physiotherapist.
Has a litter of kids, in the end Boy and Jessie have 12 offspring together.

After some time he gets himself a second wife, concurrently with Jessie and with her approval.
She's called Louise who also begets kids: Fiona, Esther and Benjamin. Benjamin was my son-in-law. (was!)

Some time after that yet a third wife gets added, with whom Boy gets yet 4 more children.
So Boy fathers 19 children with 3 women in total, all at the same time.
Church-discipline, why?? We need priesthoodholders in the Church.

Well, after a few years sharing her husband Louise gets fed up with the man-sharing, leaves Boy and takes her kids.
Louise meets Bob K. and (legally) marries him.
Bob K. already had a wife and 3 kids, a son called Levin and 2 girls.
Louise and Bob get 3 kids together. Joachim, Rachel and Cecile.
This marriage fails as well, and Louise and Bob divorce.

Bob K. marries a third time, now with someone he's met through the internet. She's from south-AMerica.
He does not speak English, nor Spanish. She only speaks Spanish, how they understood one another beats me.
But they got married anyway.
While on a biking-holiday he suffers a heartattack in their hotel and passes away.
After many weeks and legal wrangling the casket finally gets repatriated to Holland.

Back to Louise, in the end Louise marries for the 2nd time, (her 3rd partner now for those who lost track)
This time with Robert B. who also had kids from a previous marriage.
This took some time, because when Louise and Robert started dating he was still married and bishop of Antwerp…..
One of Robert's kids is Natasha, who recently divorced herself from Duke D.
This because he was rather poorly endowed and didn't use his tools properly.

Let's go back to the kids of Louise and Boy.
Fiona, she passes away young after a massive asthma-attack.
Esther marries a younger guy named Glenn and has 3 kids with him.
The very lavish wedding is in Tuscany, but it's an on/off relationship.
They are deeply in love with one another, but can't stand being with another so they divorced.
Glenn is having many dalliances but recently engaged in New York with another LDS girl. The ring cost USD 8000.00

Then the last child is Ben, he married my own daughter Lauren.
They too have 3 children, but this marriage ended in a divorce last Christmas.
This is caused because Ben never got rid of a highschool girlfriend whom he (secretly) had a relationship with for over 20 years.
Never mind the fact he married my daughter 14 years ago.
His girlfriend also got a divorce-summons after her husband found out their 2 kids are not her husbands, but Ben's.
For my former SIL had 2 wives and 5 kids, not 1 wife + 3 kids. ANd my daughter Always wondered why he never went on holiday with her but had to work. Well turns out he went on holiday with wife nr 2.
Chip of the old block as they say.

The kids of Louise and Bob K. are also worth mentioning.
Joachim marries Christine and have 2 kids. But Christine feels misunderstood all the time and leaves the house.
Leaving Joachim with 2 toddlers, she in the meantime has a boyfriend now and is under psychiatric treatment because she suffers from severe BPD.

Rachel is married to Daniel, 4 kids, seemingly normal, but OK. Lauren and Ben also seemed to have a normal marriage.
Cecile is married too, 3 kids and her husband is now a bishop and a successor to his FIL.

And Louise, where we started this soap-operat with.
She's even more uptight and holier-than-thou than the Prophet himself.
Goes to the Temple every day when open, living nearby has its advantages.
Looks and judges people and above all familymembers if they are not 100% obedient to the commandments of the Only True Church of God on Earth.

My daughter Lauren commented on all of this recently: Every family has its challenges. :D


Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:44 pm
by Random
Holy Cow! :o

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 3:59 pm
by moksha
Seems like the Saints do their polygamating throughout the world. Perhaps that is why they are the world's general authorities on marriage. ;)
“Once more unto the breach, dear husbands, once more”.
-- Elder J. William Shakespeare, Henry V, Stratford-on-Avon Stake Center

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:47 pm
by Wonderment
Hi Meilingkie, always nice to have you drop in for a visit ! How is everything going with you and your family, besides Lauren? I hope that your life is happier and more stable now. Take care, from Wndr.

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:48 pm
by Wonderment

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:52 pm
by Wonderment
Oops - sorry for the double post.

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 4:53 pm
by Wonderment
Sorry -- I got too hyper about having the veteran Nomies drop by for a visit. :)

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 10:42 pm
by Meilingkie
I’m doing very well at the moment.
And about my friend Lenny’s daughter Lauren.
Divorce final and she’s on holiday to a very nice and warm island at present.

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:08 pm
by Wonderment
Oh -- I get it now. Lauren is Lenny's daughter. Thanks for the clarification, and it's good to hear that you are doing well. :) - Wndr.

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 6:47 am
by 2bizE
The only part that sounds strange is the polygamy part. :lol:

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:42 am
by Corsair
It might be fun to be a spectator if this were in my ward and stake. But I'm happy to have a fairly boring church experience in relation to Meilingkie's level of drama.

I'm glad to hear that everything appears to be going well over in Europe.

Re: The 4 musketeers, a true story

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:51 am
by Meilingkie
Well, I knew about Boy V. But not on a more detailed level.
This took me by surprise as well.
Most of them are pretty TBM