Fantasyland: How America Went Haywire
Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:06 am
Anybody else read this book? I’ve recently started it for a book club discussion. The author’s intent is to show how we arrived at this post-fact era. His argument is that it’s largely tied to religion - particularly Protestantism because everyone gets to declare their beliefs as correct without any basis in evidence.
As someone that’s fallen away from faith entirely, but also someone that’s gone form hardcore conservative to left-leaning moderate over the last few years I’m really enjoying it.However, out of the new Protestant religion, a new proto-American attitude emerged during the 1500s. Millions of ordinary people decided that they, each of them, had the right to decide what was true or untrue, regardless of what fancy experts said. And furthermore, they believed, passionate fantastical belief was the key to everything. The footings for Fantasyland had been cast.