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Why I doubt Pres. Nelson.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:03 pm
by deacon blues
. I came home from Presbyterian Church in time to hear President's Nelson's ringing call to arms- the Covenant path. He spoke also of how Adam and Noah had received all their ordinances. My dear wife asked why I didn't believe (much of) what he said. I said if Noah had received his ordinances around 2500 B.C. and taught them to his children and so on, then why did the contemporary Egyptians have a totally different religion, as did any other contemporary people who left records or historical evidence? Why did the original religion Noah taught get totally lost by the time of Abraham, Hammurabi, and the Pyramids? I admitted we don't know everything about those times, but I thought we knew enough to determine it was unlikely the early history of the Human Race was the way Pres. Nelson and/or Joseph Smith conceived it.

Re: Why I doubt Pres. Nelson.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:35 pm
by wtfluff
Didn't he say that Adam and Noah made "the same covenants" as everyone else who's been through the plagiarized masonic ritual?

Hmmm... They just changed many of those "covenants" on January 1st this year. Seems Nelson's memory might be failing him.

Re: Why I doubt Pres. Nelson.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:34 pm
by w2mz
wtfluff wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:35 pm Didn't he say that Adam and Noah made "the same covenants" as everyone else who's been through the plagiarized masonic ritual?

Hmmm... They just changed many of those "covenants" on January 1st this year. Seems Nelson's memory might be failing him.
I wonder what Adam and Noah we’re thinking when they covenanted to obey BY’s temple oath of vengeance. They’d be like, who? Where? Oh, some prophet in the future of a land that won’t exist for thousands of years. Right.

I believe it.