General NOMfrence!!! Spring 2019
Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 9:10 am
I know we are all still reeling from what happened with POX policy yesterday--lots of feelings and lots of processing still to do. Special hugs to all of our LGBT+ NOMs. And I wish we had more time to process this all before the next dose of TBM crazy. But...we don't.
What we can do is take back our power from the straight, white, cis, racist, sexist, homophobic, elitist men who demanded it from us all those years ago. That will look different for different people. For some NOMs it will mean avoiding GC altogether. For those who end up watching for what ever reason, I invite you to participle in NOMfrnece.
****General NOMfrence Spring 2019***
One of the ways I take back my power, is by judging the all the speakers and talks in GC. When I was TBM, I loved GC!! I really thought I was hearing messages that God had delivered to his servants, even the Q15. *barf* Now I realize that pretty much everything said at GC is stupid, or downright harmful. I'm calling those f-ers out in real time and I invite you to join me.
Every speaker starts with a score of 0
If you hear something you like, give them some points.
If you hear something you don't like, take points away.
We try to use the same scale as Hogwarts House points: 5s,10s, and 20s. But if you hear something really bad, feel free to go wild. At the end of GC we will tally everything up and make a list ranking the talks for best to worst.
Also check out 2bizE's Konfrence predictions thread. Make your own predictions or add your name to the lists of predictions already made. Who might turn out to be our next Prophet, Seer and NOMerator!
Lots of Love to my NOM family! We will get through this weekend!
Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum
Don't let the bastards grind you down!!!
I know we are all still reeling from what happened with POX policy yesterday--lots of feelings and lots of processing still to do. Special hugs to all of our LGBT+ NOMs. And I wish we had more time to process this all before the next dose of TBM crazy. But...we don't.
What we can do is take back our power from the straight, white, cis, racist, sexist, homophobic, elitist men who demanded it from us all those years ago. That will look different for different people. For some NOMs it will mean avoiding GC altogether. For those who end up watching for what ever reason, I invite you to participle in NOMfrnece.
****General NOMfrence Spring 2019***
One of the ways I take back my power, is by judging the all the speakers and talks in GC. When I was TBM, I loved GC!! I really thought I was hearing messages that God had delivered to his servants, even the Q15. *barf* Now I realize that pretty much everything said at GC is stupid, or downright harmful. I'm calling those f-ers out in real time and I invite you to join me.
Every speaker starts with a score of 0
If you hear something you like, give them some points.
If you hear something you don't like, take points away.
We try to use the same scale as Hogwarts House points: 5s,10s, and 20s. But if you hear something really bad, feel free to go wild. At the end of GC we will tally everything up and make a list ranking the talks for best to worst.
Also check out 2bizE's Konfrence predictions thread. Make your own predictions or add your name to the lists of predictions already made. Who might turn out to be our next Prophet, Seer and NOMerator!
Lots of Love to my NOM family! We will get through this weekend!
Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum
Don't let the bastards grind you down!!!