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The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 9:52 am
by consiglieri
RFM and Bill Reel posted a two-part analysis of the BYU-Utah devotional address given 1/22/19 by Elder Corbridge of the Quorum of the Seventy. ... er-part-1/ ... er-part-2/
This talk by Elder Corbridge has been getting a lot of traction in TBM circles, with numerous reports of friends and family sending a copy of the Corbridge talk to those who are having doubts.
Recipients of this talk have requested a Reel/RFM analysis.
This two-part podcast is the result.
I hope you enjoy it!
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:11 am
by dogbite
That talk is so mired in its self-affirming assumptions as to have no actual meaning.
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:56 pm
by GoodBoy
dogbite wrote: ↑Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:11 am
That talk is so mired in its self-affirming assumptions as to have no actual meaning.
The test I always put things to is: "Would the use these same methods of finding truth lead a Muslim, or Hindu closer to the truth, or further into the bosom of their own faith?"
Corbridge and so many other TBMs live so completely in the bubble that the only question they can conceive of is whether they should choose faith in Mormonism or not. Not that they should give equal time and attention to all of the other competing spiritual practices and beliefs and compare and contrast to find the truth. Realistically, they don't really WANT to know the truth. They WANT to believe.
For them, Faith = love and acceptance and community and a predictable world view. Questioning it = huge loss of status, loss of family, and having to deal with questions and uncertainty. Of course he feels crappy with the second option. Any Muslim or Hindu who was raised in those belief systems would feel similarly if they questioned their own beliefs.
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 6:37 pm
by achilles
This is an amazing podcast...I highly recommend listening!
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2019 8:13 pm
by Hagoth
GoodBoy wrote: ↑Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:56 pm
TBMs live so completely in the bubble that the only question they can conceive of is whether they should choose faith in Mormonism or not.
Which they equate to: choose between faith in Mormonism or wretched misery.
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:08 pm
by MalcolmVillager
One of my favorites from you C! Of course I have many RFM faves. My DW is now listening and she really has liked some of yours but has not finished yet and said you (er RFM) beat the dead horse too much on this one in spots. I disagree, but food for thought.
I lived the maneuver stuff. You killed it. Elder C was horrible on this one.
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:56 pm
by Hagoth
Oh man, I loved RFM and Bill's conclusion that Corbridge is speaking out of desperation from his own faith crisis.
Our Man really made my week with his summarized the Corbridge Maneuver as Corbridge's way of making sure all of those students are just as trapped as he is!
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 5:07 pm
by slavereeno
I really enjoyed these as well. Thought they were spot on.
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 9:29 am
by John G.
Great podcast! I agree that this was the best talk of the three recent talks about doubts. Listening to the GA’s talk brought me back to my TBM days and why I used to believe it. Unfortunately, my TBM family will eat it up! I wish I could get them to listen to your critical analysis of it!
One flaw though is that in comparing the GA’s talk to Stars Wars you guys said that while Stars Wars was great the first time you saw it, on second viewings you saw the flaws. That is completely incorrect! THERE ARE NO FLAWS IN THE FIRST STAR WARS MOVIE!
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:27 am
by DPRoberts
I just finished watching The Matrix for the first time (free with Amazon Prime) and I couldn't help thinking of the parallel between elder Corbridge and Cypher. I think that, like Cypher, he was given an assignment that was the equivalent of taking the red pill, and regretted discovering the truth. I also think their motives are much the same. Cypher wanted to return to the illusion but be rich and someone special in that illusion. That pretty much describes most ETCOJCOLDS leadership and has a lot to do with their retreating from reality at their earliest opportunity. FWIW
Re: The Corbridge Manuever--New RFM Podcast
Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:19 am
by deacon blues
I'm nearing the end of part 2. Very nicely done, Bill and Consig. Sadly there seems to be little chance Elder Corbridge would ever go for a face to face encounter: a la Jim Bennett. Considering how much time he saves by skipping over the secondary questions and answering the primary questions, he could really make some time for a podcast or two.