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The first argument we about the church

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:49 pm
by MerrieMiss
The first argument DH and I had about the church was on our honeymoon. We were touring an old church and I said I could feel the spirit. He told me I couldn’t feel it because it wasn’t a Mormon church or temple. I remember thinking to myself, “Who is this person I married?”

In all fairness, he was probably thinking the same thing. I don’t think we ever discussed church before we got married. We were both good temple recommend holding Mormons so we could make a marriage work, right?!

And today, the term “the spirit” means something different to me than it used to but if I said it again, he’d definitely disagree that the spirit can only be felt in a Mormon place. We’ve both grown.

Re: The first argument we about the church

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:43 am
by blind_nom_ore
Yep, it's funny how the same words take on different meanings as your world view expands. If I had to label myself I might use "secular humanist." Yet I still go to church with my unorthodox wife because she wants to. I still try to speak the language of Mormonsim so I may occasionally use the phrase "feel the spirt" though in my mind, I equate that with "feel strong positive emotion." I may even occasionally be guilty of purposely using stronger terms to add more weight to my words. :P