DPRoberts wrote: ↑Sat Jan 05, 2019 7:10 pm
Sending my prayers to Vishnu, Baal, and FSM. I hear that the FWM temples are pirate ships and prayer rolls get pinned to the main mast
It sounds like you have a DW that is doubling down on "righteousness" or "churchyness" depending on your point of view. So her magical worldview is alive and well, as tscc would like it to be. Sorry to hear about this. No advice really, just another soul that knows somewhat what you are going through. Hang in there, brother.
On the old board alas had a very insightful post about how LDS women are indoctrinated to believe that through their righteous strength they can keep or bring back into church activity, their entire family, and do it single-handedly (with the help of gospel magic, of course). It sounds like your DW may be operating out of that playbook, as is mine.
I don’t know whether to be flattered or frustrated when someone remembers my supper old posts much better than I do.
Anyway, I don’t think it is just women who are taught this idea that if you remain righteous, those you love will see your righteousness and be converted. And if you pray for them, God will take away their free agency by making them believe. They will believe because of the sheer power of your testimony.
I do think women get this lesson more because it is most often women concerned about wayward teens or inactive husbands. But it is a common story of someone remaining faithful and bringing their loved ones back to church. Even my brothers and I got it about our inactive parents, that if we were just faithful and kept going to church and told our parents how much we loved them and that we wanted them to quit drinking coffee and come back to church. It is the same idea that baring your testimony is SO powerful that nobody hearing it can deny the truth. Of course it is hogwash, but for people who are convinced they are right, surely others will eventually see it too.
I hate to compare it to us NOMs who just know our spouse will see the logic and all the good reasons for our unbelief and of course join us in our unbelief. We are RIGHT, dammit, and why can’t people see that we have TRUTH on our side. Well, that is the thinking of believers trying to set an example and live such a righteous life that us unbelievers are converted on the power of their faith. They really think that there is magic in their faith that eventually we can’t help but admit it is true. If they can just set a righteous enough example.
Besides, they are scared shittless that they might be wrong and our magical conversion makes that fear go away, so it isn’t exactly like our wanting to convince them the church is a fraud, but there is a bit of the same believing we are right and any intelligent person should be able to see that. But for them it is any good honest person has to be able to see the truth. If they can just demonstrate it well enough.
Besides, Alma, Paul, how many others did God intervene to show them an angel to convince them of the error of their ways?
But there is one angle on this that is supper hard for the women. If we are sealed in the temple, it is our husband who brings us through the veil into the CK, so if he is unrighteous, it doesn’t matter how righteous we are. If our husband doesn’t get in, then there is nobody to bring us through the veil into the CK. I don’t know if this has changed in the new temple changes. Does anyone know about the veil ceremony for women about to be married and do they still do the veil ceremony or shortened veil ceremony to give the husband her new name? Men according to this warped theology earn the CK by their righteousness. But women get called in by their husband who becomes her “lord”. Brigham even said that women didn’t have to be righteous, just have a man who wanted them for a wife. So, a woman’s exaltation totally depends on her husbands righteousness, not her own. So this makes having a righteous husband the most important thing in her whole life because her exhalation totally depends on HIS righteousness. So, this is why Mormon women are so desperate for their husband to be supper righteous. No wonder they are willing to believe that if they are just righteous enough that it will magically make their husband converted because of her wonderful example.
Although the church says that men need a wife to get to the CK, it is different in that they may need a wife to get to the top layer of CK, but women need a righteous husband to resurrect them and to bring them through the veil to the CK. So, women are much more dependent on their husbands to get in than men are on having a wife.
And while young men are learning about priesthood and learning about being missionaries, the young women are being pounded about temple marriage, temple marriage, temple marriage. That is ALL there is for females that is of any importance.