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Carthage Jail
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:38 pm
by Linked
(Disclaimer: My shelf broke due to efforts to be honest with myself and evaluate my life, including religious beliefs, from an outside perspective. This introspection led to me determining that I don't think it likely that the claims of the mormon church are true based on what they do and what they claim today, so I am not as studied as many of you in church history.)
Today I realized that the destruction of William Law's printing press for the Nauvoo Expositor, and the subsequent declaration of martial law, were what landed Joseph Smith in jail for treason against the state of Illinois, a capital offense. Being on sites like NOM I have heard most of the details not shared in Sunday School, but I had never put together the direct link between the Nauvoo Expositor and Carthage Jail.
I spent 30 years as a TBM, I visited the Carthage jail multiple times, I visited Nauvoo multiple times, I attended and paid attention to 4 years of seminary, I took 14 credit hours of religion classes at BYU, I testified of the divinity of Joseph Smith's calling as a prophet while I was an unpaid volunteer, and I had no idea about key parts of the founding prophet's martyrdom. All I was taught was that Joseph was unjustly accused and imprisoned, again, and the deceitful governor promised Joseph's protection but instead placed a militia who were antagonistic to mormons in charge of guarding him. The militia was so bad that some actually joined the mob who came to kill Joseph. Willard Richards was spared because he wore his garments (no details as to why the others weren't). And Joseph's dying words were his final testimony, "Oh Lord, my God".
They left out some incredibly important details. Joseph had ordered the destruction of a newspaper which would have exposed his polygamy (Joseph's polygamy was slimy so I understand why it would be hidden, but the church now admits Joseph did practice polygamy, and thus Joseph was suppressing the truth). He commanded a militia to protect him from the rule of law. He fled justice. He drank alcohol in the jail. He fired shots into the mob.
How can anyone trust the church leadership to tell them the truth when they misrepresent key details of an event they heavily publicize? If most TBMs saw a similar representation of an event by an organization they weren't so tied to they would immediately recognize the dishonesty and not trust that organization.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:59 pm
by RubinHighlander
Linked wrote: ↑Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:38 pm
How can anyone trust the church leadership to tell them the truth when they misrepresent key details of an event they heavily publicize? If most TBMs saw a similar representation of an event by an organization they weren't so tied to they would immediately recognize the dishonesty and not trust that organization.
It's interesting how strong the indoctrination of a tribalistic narrative can overcome facts and logic. Highly educated people can look at one set of facts and come to rational conclusions, then turn around and worship a magical world view of non-facts and outright lies. It's a big time flaw in our evolution, both a trait that made us a dominant species but one that now plagues us in a modern society.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 1:22 pm
American Crucifixion by Alex Bean is a pretty good read if you want a more in depth study of the events surrounding Carthage.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 4:48 pm
by Thoughtful
Linked wrote: ↑Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:38 pm
(Disclaimer: My shelf broke due to efforts to be honest with myself and evaluate my life, including religious beliefs, from an outside perspective. This introspection led to me determining that I don't think it likely that the claims of the mormon church are true based on what they do and what they claim today, so I am not as studied as many of you in church history.)
Today I realized that the destruction of William Law's printing press for the Nauvoo Expositor, and the subsequent declaration of martial law, were what landed Joseph Smith in jail for treason against the state of Illinois, a capital offense. Being on sites like NOM I have heard most of the details not shared in Sunday School, but I had never put together the direct link between the Nauvoo Expositor and Carthage Jail.
I spent 30 years as a TBM, I visited the Carthage jail multiple times, I visited Nauvoo multiple times, I attended and paid attention to 4 years of seminary, I took 14 credit hours of religion classes at BYU, I testified of the divinity of Joseph Smith's calling as a prophet while I was an unpaid volunteer, and I had no idea about key parts of the founding prophet's martyrdom. All I was taught was that Joseph was unjustly accused and imprisoned, again, and the deceitful governor promised Joseph's protection but instead placed a militia who were antagonistic to mormons in charge of guarding him. The militia was so bad that some actually joined the mob who came to kill Joseph. Willard Richards was spared because he wore his garments (no details as to why the others weren't). And Joseph's dying words were his final testimony, "Oh Lord, my God".
They left out some incredibly important details. Joseph had ordered the destruction of a newspaper which would have exposed his polygamy (Joseph's polygamy was slimy so I understand why it would be hidden, but the church now admits Joseph did practice polygamy, and thus Joseph was suppressing the truth). He commanded a militia to protect him from the rule of law. He fled justice. He drank alcohol in the jail. He fired shots into the mob.
How can anyone trust the church leadership to tell them the truth when they misrepresent key details of an event they heavily publicize? If most TBMs saw a similar representation of an event by an organization they weren't so tied to they would immediately recognize the dishonesty and not trust that organization.
Like a lamb to the slaughter, indeed.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:50 pm
by MalcolmVillager
Yeah I can say the same checkboxes (seminary, BYU religion courses, thousands of hours in church, mission, etc...) and somehow they never got around to teaching some key events outside of the whitewashed and mythical version of these stories.
I was calculating that I must have testified to ransome strangers in Argentina some 4,000-5,000 times and never knew there were other versions of the FV, let alone that that version was written by committee 18 years after the fact and that nobody heard of any of the versions until 23 years after the supposed event.
We went with the extended family to Nauvoo and Carthage a few years ago. I was well over the midpoint of my FC at that point. It was interesting to have a non-believing perspective through the whole thing.
2 years ago we took the kids to the Church History Museum in SLC. We stopped at the very small Nauvoo Expositor display and had a conversation with the kids about who wrote it, why, and what it said (including that it was all essentially true). IDK if it really sunk in, but I cant sit back and allow the church to continue to fleece my kids generation.
Just this week my #2 DD was telling me about what she is learning in seminary. How JS translated the BOM. At least they had me tikned the Seer Stone. I told her more of the story (folk magic, money digging, no plates used, etc...).
I am not sure if I am inoculating or just pre-cracking shelves but either way I will not allow them to go through young Mormon life with a partial story.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:52 am
by Reuben
MalcolmVillager wrote: ↑Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:50 pm
Just this week my #2 DD was telling me about what she is learning in seminary. How JS translated the BOM. At least they had me tikned the Seer Stone. I told her more of the story (folk magic, money digging, no plates used, etc...).
I am not sure if I am inoculating or just pre-cracking shelves but either way I will not allow them to go through young Mormon life with a partial story.
For me, it's about preserving relationships and agency.
The Mormon bubble is a semipermeable membrane that allows only positive ideas about the church to pass inside. Members are taught how to surround themselves with this bubble at all times. They are thus shielded from anything that might lead them to conclude anything contrary to the church's claims.
The end result is a people who can't stomach negative ideas about their church, and can't understand how someone could honestly conclude that the church isn't what it claims to be. But because they're surrounded by negative ideas that press in from all sides, their certainty in the church's claims is coupled with fear, and their pride in the church is coupled with gnawing shame.
Problem #1: It would be hard for my kids to have a good relationship with me if they're afraid of me and think I'm broken, sick or sinful. I've experienced this with my oldest already.
Problem #2: One of the most effective ways to restrict someone's freedom is to filter the information they get. The Mormon bubble removes choice.
I don't care if they remain Mormon, but I intend to solve these problems. This requires working against the action of the bubble.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 8:12 am
by Mackman
5 years ago I discovered all the facts surrounding Joseph's death and like you came to the very same conclusions !!!!! I.e . Trust , when I had my FC and told my wife and met with the BP I was just told to stop reading anti mormon stuff !!! I WAS amazed at how educated people can just turn away from the facts and say that's just anti mormon stuff . I was also warned that to stay a member in good standing Iwould have to stop looking into "that stuff" or face disciplinary action. Sorry I told the BP but I'm an adult , I left 6th grade a long time ago. It's just amazing how indoctrinated some people are. I have tried to talk to my wife about the whitewashed version of facts by the church but to no avail all I ever get is stop with the anti mormon stuff. God I hate that !!!! So now being that I am where I am I take the attitude that if they can lie so can I !!! I will play the game of being a good member even though it is all BS for the rest of my life. I call BS on all of it or as Trump would say it's fake news !!!!Besides I like my coffee .
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 4:16 pm
by NewLight
I was teaching Primary when I learned this stuff (church history - trying to do a good job on the lessons since I had the time to do it). I was sooo angry at being lied to.
The thing that killed me as that when the topic came up four years later, they just used the same manual with all the whitewashed history AGAIN! Unbelievable!
For those who have believing spouses, please know that it is possible for them to open up and learn about the lies too. It just may take some time and may require a catalyst outside of you. My wife was not on the same page with me at the time and it was not until our adult children started reading and leaving that she would look into it. She read the stuff they read with the intent to counter the "anti mormon lies" and rescue them from apostacy. Little did she realize all of it is true. She would have never looked into if not for wanting to protect our kids.
Hopefully, for those of you whose spouses are devout, the walls will come down at some point and they will be open to considering the true church history!
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:57 pm
by MalcolmVillager
Reuben wrote: ↑Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:52 am
MalcolmVillager wrote: ↑Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:50 pm
Just this week my #2 DD was telling me about what she is learning in seminary. How JS translated the BOM. At least they had me tikned the Seer Stone. I told her more of the story (folk magic, money digging, no plates used, etc...).
I am not sure if I am inoculating or just pre-cracking shelves but either way I will not allow them to go through young Mormon life with a partial story.
For me, it's about preserving relationships and agency.
The Mormon bubble is a semipermeable membrane that allows only positive ideas about the church to pass inside. Members are taught how to surround themselves with this bubble at all times. They are thus shielded from anything that might lead them to conclude anything contrary to the church's claims.
The end result is a people who can't stomach negative ideas about their church, and can't understand how someone could honestly conclude that the church isn't what it claims to be. But because they're surrounded by negative ideas that press in from all sides, their certainty in the church's claims is coupled with fear, and their pride in the church is coupled with gnawing shame.
Problem #1: It would be hard for my kids to have a good relationship with me if they're afraid of me and think I'm broken, sick or sinful. I've experienced this with my oldest already.
Problem #2: One of the most effective ways to restrict someone's freedom is to filter the information they get. The Mormon bubble removes choice.
I don't care if they remain Mormon, but I intend to solve these problems. This requires working against the action of the bubble.
You nailed it Reuben. I am working to solve these problems too. I have done this with my wife, just giving her time and letting her do her own research.
DW and I were talking today of how to navigate it all with the kids. She realizes that we now lose either way. Stay or go, some will be hurt. Either way there is damage.
We see the good of having black and white stories for young children. We know that by adulthood we want free thinkers. The middle ground of teenage years is the debate. How to you allow for nuance and independent thought with BS like church history and exclusive truth claims while trying to make alcohol, drugs, and sex firm rules.
How do you do all this in the MorCor? What a mess.
Re: Carthage Jail
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 3:34 am
by Reuben
MalcolmVillager wrote: ↑Sat Dec 22, 2018 10:57 pm
We see the good of having black and white stories for young children. We know that by adulthood we want free thinkers. The middle ground of teenage years is the debate. How to you allow for nuance and independent thought with BS like church history and exclusive truth claims while trying to make alcohol, drugs, and sex firm rules.
How do you do all this in the MorCor? What a mess.
If you ever figure this out, let me know.