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Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 5:36 am
by NewLight
Lithium Sunset mentioned that a friend posted this video produced by the LDS Church about its temple endowment ceremony ( ). I only learned about it yesterday as I saw a thread on the reddit from New Name Noah saying it had been taken down because of negative comments, but the Church had reposted it to clear out said comments.

The thing is, since they reposted it, they did not disallow comments and the negative responses came pouring in once again. I felt compelled to post the following, because, seriously, the Church’s behavior regarding temples and its wedding ceremony are disgusting and people need to know:

"Yet more propaganda from the Mormon Church in its efforts to retain the facade of being kind, gentle, and caring – in short, God’s Church. Don’t be tricked. While there are numerous kind and loving people within the Church (I have great Mormon neighbors), the corporate organization is anything but.
The Church uses its temples as a means to control people, committing them to do more for their cause while at the same time, requiring large sums of money from them to participate. Mormon temples facilitate the separation of families for the Church between the devout and not so devout (meaning you either are not paying the required 10% to get in or you are not a member of the Church).
I know of a young man who will be getting married in a temple near the end of this month and his grandmother will be excluded from attending. Despicable to do this type of thing in such an important familial event.
If LDS couples getting married in the United States fail to marry in the temple on day one, the Church forces them to wait a full year before they can do the temple ceremony. The ceremony is of extreme importance to the devout because the Church teaches that it is the only way couples will be together forever. It uses fear tactics on young couples telling them they will be separated from another if one should die before going through the ceremony. Because of this, we see grandma excluded from participation.
In countless other weddings dad, mom, brothers, sister, best friends, etc. are all made to wait outside the wedding. Hardly the mark of a benevolent organization. This is just one of the MANY ways that the Mormon Church is a bully and needs to be called out on it."

It was very early in the morning yesterday when I posted it and eventually, the Church took down the video and surprise… they reposted it shutting off the commenting feature. Guess the third time posting it for them is a charm.

If I see a someone I know post the video on their timeline, I WILL comment about this “exclusion” policy. The Church’s position on this is indefensible and members know it.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:59 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
There was also some controversy over some of the content which was slightly edited in the second video, removing a certain picture of Adam and Eve. I was surprised to see them display a picture of the masonic baker's hat temple clothes. They don't show someone dressed in them, only displayed on a table.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:14 am
by wtfluff
Love your "comment" NewLight.

Hilarious that it took them 3 tries to disable comments. They literally cannot win in today's information age.

I also love how the video talks about all the grand and wonderful things we "learn" in the temple, when there is literally nothing to learn in the temple that actually relates to real life. Literally all the "endowment" does is confuse people, and NO ONE on the inside can tell you what any of the "super important symbolism" actually means.

It's the absolute pinnacle of mormon worship, and it's literally useless.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 11:39 am
by RubinHighlander
Ah the marketing transition in action:
Mormons, or more respectfully, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints go to temples to worship. The Endowment Ceremony teaches about God's plan.
Still a point for Satan there.
"...more respectfully" sounds so pious to me, what a joke!

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:05 pm
by MerrieMiss
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:59 am I was surprised to see them display a picture of the masonic baker's hat temple clothes. They don't show someone dressed in them, only displayed on a table.
It was a very fast display of the clothes. If you blinked, you missed it.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:10 pm
by wtfluff
MerrieMiss wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:05 pm
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 7:59 am I was surprised to see them display a picture of the masonic baker's hat temple clothes. They don't show someone dressed in them, only displayed on a table.
It was a very fast display of the clothes. If you blinked, you missed it.
Yeah, I had to go back and suffer through it again to catch the hat and fake green silk.

Thanks a lot FFM! :twisted:

ETA: OK, I was stupid enough to go watch it again "just for fun." ("The temple" has been a bit of an unwanted focus in my life the last few weeks.) Literally half if not more of what they say in that is complete, untrue rubbish.

I guess I shouldn't complain. There is actually more information in that ~2 minute video than there is in "hours" of temple-prep classes.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 3:44 pm
by EternityIsNow
Total misdirect. Watching the video an outsider would think the Temple was about Jesus, Christian teachings, and uplifting messages of peace.

The buildings are very beautiful, but what goes on inside is definitely not accurately portrayed in the video.

Someone needs to make a counter-video that tells the whole truth. Including the historical changes to the ceremonies.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:57 am
by Lithium Sunset
wtfluff wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:14 am Love your "comment" NewLight.

Hilarious that it took them 3 tries to disable comments. They literally cannot win in today's information age.

I also love how the video talks about all the grand and wonderful things we "learn" in the temple, when there is literally nothing to learn in the temple that actually relates to real life. Literally all the "endowment" does is confuse people, and NO ONE on the inside can tell you what any of the "super important symbolism" actually means.

It's the absolute pinnacle of mormon worship, and it's literally useless.
Same, thanks NewLight for posting your comment and creating the thread. Sorry it caused some upset. Three times is insane... geez.

I didn’t want to watch or comment becuase I never went through the ceremony... You can imagine how much I wanted to when I was young and had married a non-member with a large TBM family. Even my mom was rebaptized and went through the temple early in my marriage. In fact before I was lead down the rabbit hole of no return on google, we were preparing to go to the temple (the thought makes me sick and I wont go on about how uninspired church leadership is). Some of my family initially said all that we were going through was satan trying to keep us from the temple... uh no.

So glad this wasn’t a part of my path, sorry it was a part of yours.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:28 pm
by 2bizE
The guy that did the fake apology to NAACP and blacks and who also added to the Last Week Tonight YouTube on prosperity gospel could probably include in this new church videos some pictures of everyone dressed up as bakers in a circle.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:31 pm
by jfro18
I love how much the church wants these things to not seem creepy and secretive... they want so badly to be a mainstream religion but they can't do it and be honest about the church.

Anyway, I need to watch the video but I assume they don't discuss how it's a Masonic ceremony? And I really assume they don't include the following picture of the Royal Arch Masons in Illinois?


Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:36 pm
by moksha
I for one am happy they refrained from mentioning the Oath of Vengence and removed all pictorial illustrations of Deadpool.

If they decided to go for an R-rated version, small portions of the nude Temple Clogging dance might be acceptable.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:13 pm
by wtfluff
jfro18 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 3:31 pmAnyway, I need to watch the video but I assume they don't discuss how it's a Masonic ceremony? And I really assume they don't include the following picture of the Royal Arch Masons in Illinois?
That would be a great, big: NOPE! (You can save yourself a couple minutes of wasted time and NOT watch the video if you so choose. I watched it in proxy for at least two people. You're welcome. :) )

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:30 pm
by jfro18
wtfluff wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:13 pm
That would be a great, big: NOPE! (You can save yourself a couple minutes of wasted time and NOT watch the video if you so choose. I watched it in proxy for at least two people. You're welcome. :) )

I was hoping in two minutes they could cover the changes to the temple ceremony such as not teaching that Adam was our God, that we would disembowel ourselves if we talked about it outside the temple, oaths of vengeance, or maybe show how it divides families when some are not members. Guess with just two minutes you can't cover everything.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:04 pm
by wtfluff
jfro18 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:30 pm
wtfluff wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:13 pm
That would be a great, big: NOPE! (You can save yourself a couple minutes of wasted time and NOT watch the video if you so choose. I watched it in proxy for at least two people. You're welcome. :) )

I was hoping in two minutes they could cover the changes to the temple ceremony such as not teaching that Adam was our God, that we would disembowel ourselves if we talked about it outside the temple, oaths of vengeance, or maybe show how it divides families when some are not members. Guess with just two minutes you can't cover everything.
I'm pretty sure all the deleted comments from the first two times they uploaded the video took care of all of your "questions." :twisted:

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:09 am
by Hagoth
wtfluff wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:14 am I also love how the video talks about all the grand and wonderful things we "learn" in the temple, when there is literally nothing to learn in the temple that actually relates to real life. Literally all the "endowment" does is confuse people, and NO ONE on the inside can tell you what any of the "super important symbolism" actually means.
See, that's how you know someone has lost the spirit. Someone who's on the right path demonstrates it by proclaiming in front of everyone that they learn something new every time the go. My neighbor makes his wife report to him the new thing she learned each time. She's probably sweating the whole time trying to come up with something.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:47 am
by wtfluff
Hagoth wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:09 am
wtfluff wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:14 am I also love how the video talks about all the grand and wonderful things we "learn" in the temple, when there is literally nothing to learn in the temple that actually relates to real life. Literally all the "endowment" does is confuse people, and NO ONE on the inside can tell you what any of the "super important symbolism" actually means.
See, that's how you know someone has lost the spirit. Someone who's on the right path demonstrates it by proclaiming in front of everyone that they learn something new every time the go. My neighbor makes his wife report to him the new thing she learned each time. She's probably sweating the whole time trying to come up with something.
I'd love to hear some of her answers, does he share them with anyone else?

Does he "learn something new every time" also that he shares with his wife? Or is he just using his massive priesthood powers to force her to lie to him each time? (While he learns nothing.)

(I remember hearing the "learn something new every time" cliche constantly. I don't ever remember someone sharing the new thing they learned. Never... Not. Even. Once.)

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 3:47 pm
by Hagoth
wtfluff wrote: Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:47 am
(I remember hearing the "learn something new every time" cliche constantly. I don't ever remember someone sharing the new thing they learned. Never... Not. Even. Once.)
Too sacred!

Or else they're little details like the seam on the plastic fruit.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:50 am
by Random
Sheesh! Making her report to him? Sounds like he treats her like a child. It sounds like the marriage I had that I was finally able to flee from 18-19 years ago.

That type of man reminds me of the young man Bednar lauded who dropped his girlfriend when she wouldn't take out her "extra" earrings. Even though I was tbm at the time, my reaction was that she had narrowly missed a hellish marriage, and I was glad for her escape.

Re: Endowment Video Posted on YouTube by

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 8:56 pm
by didyoumythme
wtfluff wrote: Mon Dec 17, 2018 8:14 am Love your "comment" NewLight.

Hilarious that it took them 3 tries to disable comments. They literally cannot win in today's information age.

I also love how the video talks about all the grand and wonderful things we "learn" in the temple, when there is literally nothing to learn in the temple that actually relates to real life. Literally all the "endowment" does is confuse people, and NO ONE on the inside can tell you what any of the "super important symbolism" actually means.

It's the absolute pinnacle of mormon worship, and it's literally useless.
The fact that the temple is so useless was a huge red flag for me. I always tried hard to focus on the "symbolism" and I looked for ways to read too far into things, but it still didn't make sense. This alone is almost a smoking gun now that I think about it. No matter how many decades a person goes to the temple, they don't learn any concrete thing about the gospel or plan of salvation. And no one can agree on what all the "symbols" mean.