Monthly EQ updates
Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 3:18 pm
I still get a recurring update from my EQP. Here is this weeks message.
Please exercise your priesthood authority and power to bless others. Are you providing blessings? Our brothers and sisters need and deserve to be blessed by Heavenly Father thru your action.
“The same priesthood power that created worlds, galaxies, and the universe can and should be part of our lives to succor, strengthen, and bless our families, our friends, and our neighbors.”—Elder M. Russell Ballard
Ward Temple Night - Nov 30 (Friday): 6pm Session - Please arrive early
Ward Christmas Party - Dec 1 (Saturday) @ XYZ Church of Jesus Christ building: Kids Crafts, Santa, and Holy Land tasting table from 5-6pm. Dinner @ 6pm followed by primary program.
Church Cleaning Schedule:
2 families
2 families
2 families
2 families
2 families
Elders Quorum Social - Dec 15 (Saturday) @ 6pm at Brother XYZ House. Husbands and Wives.
ELDERS QUORUM DISCUSSION (Nov 25) - Doctrine, Principle, and Application - Lead: President ABC
As a special event this day, Sister DEF, Stake Relief Society President, presented a special message related to President Nelson's talk in conference on the name of the church. She organized the teachings of the Church into three categories: Doctrine, Principles and Applications. Doctrine: things we need to know, but they don't really prompt us to action. (Such as the Father and the Son are two separate and distinct individuals with bodies of flesh and bone.) These are the doctrines that matter. Principles; these direct us as to what actions to take. Applications: how to do these actions. This can vary from individual to individual, and with the circumstances and needs of the people to whom we're ministering.
President Nelson, in his conference address, said “It's time for us to go by our proper name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.” We're not “Mormons”; we respect Mormon and study the book he left us, but we don't worship him. If we follow these instructions with an honest and faithful heart, true to our covenants, we will know how to handle the situations that arise. Brother MNO mentioned that we first have to understand our covenants. This can be done by regular temple attendance to renew our covenants, as well as partaking of the Sacrament.
The difference between doing things out of convenience or covenant was stressed. Come January, we'll be making sure the gospel is taught in our homes. Will this be out of convenience, or covenant? It has been said that an extra hour on Sunday doesn't mean an extra hour of football.
We're here to learn how to live and function in an exalted, Celestial environment. The above is a framework in which to achieve this education.
A couple “takeaways” from this discussion: Role play with your kids so they'll know how to respond when asked, “Are you a Mormon?” President HIJ said we could study the Book of Mormon in the framework of doctrine, principle, and application.
DEC 2: Quorum Council - Focused on how to invite neighbors
DEC 9: GC Lesson Topic - TBD
DEC 16: GC Lesson Topic - TBD
DEC 23: First Presidency Topic - TBD
DEC 30: 5th Sunday combined meeting to rollout Missionary Plan