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Thanksgiving prayer

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:49 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
We pray in thanksgiving for thy bounteous information age.
Yeah, even the internet which allows us to dispel our flawed epistemology, our paranoid eschatology, and our tribal dogmatic exclusivity.
We pray for those souls who are stuck in an infinite loop of indoctrination, may they someday be freed from the ideological chains of darkness that surround them.
May they be unburdened of the unconscious mental judgements which so perversely dominate their thought patterns concerning those loved ones around them.


Re: Thanksgiving prayer

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:55 am
by Linked

Re: Thanksgiving prayer

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:28 am
by Corsair
That's a great prayer and a great sentiment. But painful repercussions would result if expressed in a prayer or possibly just conversation. I had a family member warn the family about reading the "Saints" book if we did not already have a strong testimony. Other family members thought that "Saints" was a great book, but I started wondering if they were simply looking around and see the reaction of others to public knowledge of plural marriage. Should we be bothered by it? Should we simply be assured that it was A-OK because Joseph was good with it?

I can only imagine the institutional arm twisting that the church put itself through to get "Saints" published. FiveFingerMnemonic's prayer is now unintentionally needed by members wondering where the new orthodox narrative will finally land.