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John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 3:38 pm
by Red Ryder
Anyone see this?

Rare book collector and recent buyer of an early edition BOM, John Hajicek has created a web page to go after Doug Wilkes, the editor of the Deseret News.
According to reports I accessed:

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for harassing women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for demeaning women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for verbally intimidating women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for physically intimidating women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for spreading rumors about women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for intentional infliction of emotional distress on women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for pregnancy discrimination.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for disability discrimination.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for labor code violations in employment of women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for wrongful termination.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for improper denial of pay to women.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for misrepresentation.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for defamation.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for breach of contract.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for unfair business practices.

Doug Wilks has a history of using what he says is a Church-owned newspaper to bully a minority on the Internet.

Doug Wilks has a history of refusing to redact or correct mistakes or even respond to a minority.

Doug Wilks has a history of being sued for retaliating against letter-writers.

Doug Wilks seems to exaggerate his education, claiming that he “studied journalism at Brigham Young University” to suggest that he actually graduated from Brigham Young University. If he has graduated, he is not really saying so.

Doug Wilks boldly exaggerates his prior job titles, claiming he was a “founding editor” where he was in reality just an “assistant editor.”

Doug Wilks boasts that he is an “award-winning journalist.” What award?

Doug Wilks has a history in wine news in Napa Valley and Sonoma County.

Doug Wilks has a history of reprinting and republishing accusations against private citizens, made by his newspaper’s stated owner, as if they were independent facts from an independent source.

Before Doug Wilks became the Deseret News editor, he was a local-news reporter or local-news editor at five or more smaller news companies. All of his stories appear to have been scrubbed from the online archive of every newspaper for which he wrote. These include the BYU Daily Universe, the Provo Daily Herald, the Napa Valley Register, the Marin Independent Journal, and the Santa Rosa Press Democrat. Local news. Small cities. All missing. His newest writing at the Deseret News is not Pulitzer Prize reporting or composition. How he leaped into the editorship of the Deseret News is confusing, considering those few samples, and no management education.

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:23 pm
by jfro18

Wow I just skimmed through while at my kid's karate lesson, but yikes.

I really hope that his book about the Oliver Cowdery copy of the BoM has some really damaging stuff. Im sure it won't, but one can hope.

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:44 pm
by 2bizE
I think there actually only two questions on the application for Deseret news editor in chief:
1) Do you have a current temple recommend
2) Are you a man.

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 6:57 pm
by Stig
Now that he's posted that list on the Internet, he'd damn well better provide support for each of those listed allegations against Wilks. In reviewing his website, it appears this has been a very long fight between he and the Deseret News. Some of this comes off as retaliatory and sour grapes, but it sure looks like he has some legitimate complaints as well.

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:01 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
He has been fighting these false charges of stealing a copy of the first edition in Missouri for a long time. It does make me wonder if the church sees him as a threat due to his inconvenient discoveries that counter narratives or they don't like having a minority mormon outbidding them in so many auctions for historical artifacts or both.

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:09 pm
by Anon70
That was fascinating. Is he Community of Christ? I loved that he called it “minority Latter Day Saint”.

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:11 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Anon70 wrote:That was fascinating. Is he Community of Christ? I loved that he called it “minority Latter Day Saint”.
He claims to be an independent mormon unaffiliated with any sect. But he was ordained by a Strangite priesthood holder as a young man, and grew up in Voree Wisconsin in a house on "Mormon road".

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:37 pm
by moksha
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:11 pm But he was ordained by a Strangite priesthood holder as a young man, and grew up in Voree Wisconsin in a house on "Mormon road".
Doesn't that background by itself represent the justification to defame Mr. Hajicek? What if he used some of those documents in a non-faith promoting manner?

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:06 am
by Hagoth
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:11 pm But he was ordained by a Strangite priesthood holder as a young man, and grew up in Voree Wisconsin in a house on "Mormon road".
When they're finished with Mr. Hajicek will the church be suing the town of Voree to change that abominable street name? Maybe Redact Road?

Re: John Hajicek vs. The Deseret News

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 10:41 am
by Stig
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: Mon Nov 05, 2018 8:11 pm
Anon70 wrote:That was fascinating. Is he Community of Christ? I loved that he called it “minority Latter Day Saint”.
He claims to be an independent mormon unaffiliated with any sect. But he was ordained by a Strangite priesthood holder as a young man, and grew up in Voree Wisconsin in a house on "Mormon road".
What shame; Satan gets another win. [/sarasm]