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"Did you guys move?"

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:15 am
by Kishkumen
Long story short, the Kish Family attended our ward Trunk and Treat this past weekend - we have our reasons.

Anyways, needless to say, we don't show up frequently at church. One of the women asked me "Did you guys move?"
I said "No, we're still here"
"oh, i just haven't seen you in a while" she replied.
"We stopped coming to church a while ago." I responded

*Awkward silence*

"Well, it's good to see you." She said.

It was a funny interaction. She was trying to figure out why these former stalwarts suddenly disappeared and how to handle it.

Re: "Did you guys move?"

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:06 pm
by No Tof
Some things spoken, although in the mother tongue are not understood.

I bet she just couldn't process what it means to stop attending church.

Nice to hear you can still go to social events sponsored by the church. The people are nice.

Re: "Did you guys move?"

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:56 pm
by achilles
robot-error.gif (128.14 KiB) Viewed 2095 times
But seriously, it really is like her programming was violated... How do you even handle that?

It's almost like there really are only two categories--active Mormons, and everybody else. Add more categories, and BOOM!

Re: "Did you guys move?"

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 9:20 pm
by Thoughtful
I see people around town and it's: prolonged eye contact, "-we MISS you."
Okay... you have my number. It takes 5 minutes to drive anywhere in town, clearly you don't really miss me. You're uncomfortable that I'm not at church.