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I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:24 pm
by Zack Tacorin Dos
Too much hate lately from the institution formerly known as the Mormon Church, for me to remain on their records as a member. I'm going to resign, but I have to work out the details of when and the implications of this with my wife, so it will still take some time. Once I resign from the LDS Church, "Zack" will be no more. "Zack" is a pseudonym I've hidden behind to vent and offer meager support to my NOMies. After resigning, anything I do regarding the Church will be open to all, especially to my wife, not to push my ideas on her, but to be honest with her.

Since I haven't had much to say here lately anyway, I don't know whether Zack will post here again after this thread, but I "shall probably visit you again" (name that movie). If I visit after my resignation, it will be with my real name and no admitted connection to "Zack." I'm sad to let "Zack" go, but at the same time I'm happy to move on.

Each of you is amazing. You'll never know how much I appreciate your kind words, your instruction, your example, your humanity. Know you are loved. Keep fighting the good fight. Please find or make joy in your life each and every day.

Your brother,

Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:14 am
by Red Ryder
Congrats Zack!

You've been a wonderful participant here in Nommie Land and I've personally benefited from your insights and posts. I know many have.

Take care and may you find new hobbies that suck up your time, talents, money, and allow you to choose your own underwear!


Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:36 pm
by Corsair
That's an important transition to make. Good luck on your journey. May you find increasing joy there.

Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 12:40 pm
by Arcturus
If you wouldn't mind, would love a report of the aftermath. And good luck! I may find myself doing the same if things continue to forward like they have under RMN. If Oaks goes crazy as president in his crusade against LGBTQ folks, I may become very publicly against the church.

Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:01 pm
by MalcolmVillager
Zach, you are one of the noble and great ones. Praise be as tou continue in your journey.

We hope you come back. Your wisdom and experience is valuable to our collective conscious.

We will probably do a wordprint study to figure out who you are upon the second coming ;-)

Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:42 am
by MoPag
Hugs Zack!!!!

Thanks for the love and wisdom you have given us here on NOM over the years!

Love you back Zack!!!

Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:07 am
by Zack Tacorin Dos
Thank you all for the kind words.

Arcturus - I'm not sure reporting the aftermath of my resignation would be that helpful here because I've been out mentally/emotionally/spiritually so long and because pretty much everyone in my fam and ward already knows. At this point it's a matter of conscience; my name is being used in some small way, even if it's only symbolic to me, to perpetuate hate, petty tribalism, and close-mindedness. I find it immoral, so I gotta go. The only significant aftermath I can see is the thing I fear the most--the effect on my relationship with my wife. But, that fear is one of the fruits of of the hate, petty tribalism, and close-mindedness I mentioned. I'm finally going to put on my big-boy pants to be real with my wife on this. My fears regarding the Church have led to many a poor choice since realizing I could no longer believe in Mormon truth claims. I think resigning opens the door to overcoming the last fear I have regarding Mormonism. But, I don't think I'll want to share in such a public way how this all goes with my wife. I don't think she'd want it that way, and I can respect that.

MalcolmVillager wrote: Sat Oct 27, 2018 2:01 pm We will probably do a wordprint study to figure out who you are upon the second coming ;-)
Haha! I guess there's no hiding from determined NOMs :) Thanks for the laugh buddy!


Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:37 am
by No Tof
I must say, I will miss your perspective but completely understand and cheer you on in your decision to make the big step.

Most days I feel a similar urge to just have a clean break. My DW isn't quite strong enough or perhaps our relationship is the thing that wouldn't weather the storm that surely would follow my resigning.

Best to you in your future. May thoughts of the church that will not be named rarely enter your thoughts and may it's influence ebb from you completely.


Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:58 pm
by Deepthinker
Zack, So happy you have reached this level of detachment from Mormonism. So sorry it came because of the hate from the institution.

The equations the church puts forward don’t solve for me either.
Prophet = God’s voice
God = Love
ProphetLove’s voice

I always appreciated your level-headed and mature thoughts.

If you don't return, I wish you all the best.

Re: I'm Leaving Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:32 pm
by RubinHighlander
Zack Tacorin Dos wrote: Fri Oct 26, 2018 6:24 pm Too much hate lately from the institution formerly known as the Mormon Church, for me to remain on their records as a member. I'm going to resign...
I'm jealous! This year in particular I've longed to go a head and make this happen. I think all of our adult kids have done it now, one just recently. DW and I are holding out, not wanting to risk any compromise to the mental health of either of our moms. But if we finally out to them, maybe within the next year, it will be something we do. In the meantime, if anymore of their ministers come around, I'll be talking very honestly and openly about why we left.

Good luck to you fine sir and I hope you do return and report once in a while.
