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Ex-Mormon Discrimination

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:13 pm
by Arcturus
Just curious, have any of you experienced employment discrimination because you are known publicly as an ex-Mormon? If so, is there much you can do to work with the problem, get around it, mitigate it, whatever..., absent going back to church?

I got wind that news of my DW and I leaving the church has leaked out and is spreading across a relatively small network of Mormons in a very specific trade/occupation. Hope it won't hurt me when/if I need to move.

Re: Ex-Mormon Discrimination

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:15 pm
by Just This Guy
I have not seen it at all. However,I'm very far from the MorCor. I think people in my part of the country would be more hesitant to hire if I said I was Mormon and more likely if I said I was ex. Yeah Christian fundamentalism!

In general, if the business is an equal opportunity employer, it is actually illegal for them to bring up religion and to use it in their hiring decision. However, proving it could be difficult.

Re: Ex-Mormon Discrimination

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:26 pm
by Corsair
The only Ex-Mormon discrimination in my life comes from how I assiduously make sure that as few people as possibly know where I attend church on Sunday.