MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:56 am
If you haven't listened to this, highly recommend. Dusty's story is incredibly powerful.
Interestingly, he notes that he worked for Deseret Book's corporate office, and had a few chats with Sheri Dew. He notes that he was present at a meeting where the $$$ that the MoTab Choir generates was disclosed, and Sheri told him if he ever told anyone, God would smite him. All he says in the interview is that it's a lot of $$$.
This has made me curious - does anyone have a ballpark guess of how much $ the choir generates? It's interesting to see the evidence gradually accumulating that the Mormon church is a corporation, with a primary objective of increasing the bottom line (think the MormonLeaks SEC 13F filings, and Tim Kosnoff's experience in litigating the church).
Also interesting to hear more and more that people who work for the COB often end up questioning their faith (Dusty talks about this in the interview with Dehlin). My DW and I have a good friend with a similar experience and sentiment regarding the church's corporate personality.
If you haven't listened to this, highly recommend. Dusty's story is incredibly powerful.
Interestingly, he notes that he worked for Deseret Book's corporate office, and had a few chats with Sheri Dew. He notes that he was present at a meeting where the $$$ that the MoTab Choir generates was disclosed, and Sheri told him if he ever told anyone, God would smite him. All he says in the interview is that it's a lot of $$$.
This has made me curious - does anyone have a ballpark guess of how much $ the choir generates? It's interesting to see the evidence gradually accumulating that the Mormon church is a corporation, with a primary objective of increasing the bottom line (think the MormonLeaks SEC 13F filings, and Tim Kosnoff's experience in litigating the church).
Also interesting to hear more and more that people who work for the COB often end up questioning their faith (Dusty talks about this in the interview with Dehlin). My DW and I have a good friend with a similar experience and sentiment regarding the church's corporate personality.