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MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 8:56 am
by Arcturus

If you haven't listened to this, highly recommend. Dusty's story is incredibly powerful.

Interestingly, he notes that he worked for Deseret Book's corporate office, and had a few chats with Sheri Dew. He notes that he was present at a meeting where the $$$ that the MoTab Choir generates was disclosed, and Sheri told him if he ever told anyone, God would smite him. All he says in the interview is that it's a lot of $$$.

This has made me curious - does anyone have a ballpark guess of how much $ the choir generates? It's interesting to see the evidence gradually accumulating that the Mormon church is a corporation, with a primary objective of increasing the bottom line (think the MormonLeaks SEC 13F filings, and Tim Kosnoff's experience in litigating the church).

Also interesting to hear more and more that people who work for the COB often end up questioning their faith (Dusty talks about this in the interview with Dehlin). My DW and I have a good friend with a similar experience and sentiment regarding the church's corporate personality.

Re: MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:26 am
by nehor90210
I have no idea how much money the Mormon Tabernacle Choir generated, but I would hazard a guess it was more than the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square will generate.

Re: MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:34 am
by jfro18
nehor90210 wrote: Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:26 am I have no idea how much money the Mormon Tabernacle Choir generated, but I would hazard a guess it was more than the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square will generate.
You're not accounting for the T-Cats merchandise that is going to take the world by storm :lol:

Re: MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:37 am
by Rob4Hope
The way god smote someone historically was with the Danites. I wonder if they will be bringing that back?

But wait...since god smites people, why thing were people like Hitler and Mao left so graciously alone until after their devastation hit the world?

I guess god is more tolerant of tyrants and less tolerant of those who opposed the GOD OF THE LDS WORLD....

Re: MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:59 pm
by 1smartdodog
So that’s why I was only allowed to listen to MoTab on my mission. Cassette tape sales

Re: MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:28 pm
by Arcturus
Dusty and John talk about this in the podcast. It's really interesting...

Supposedly the church has backed off in excommunicating individuals who are active in their homosexuality. This is particularly the case for inactive homosexuals - the church is just leaving them alone (this is what John suggests in the interview).

However, Dusty and Tate actually go to church and they are openly in a homosexual relationship. They are facing an excommunication threat now at the local level, which John appears to be surprised about because this thing has supposedly calmed down across the church.

If Dusty and Tate get excommunicated, what is the church saying?

What I get from this is the church does not want anyone who is embracing their homosexuality to stick around. In other words, they're not welcome. But so long as you're miserable and doing your best to suppress/eliminate your homosexuality, we love you and please worship with us.

This is so wrong. So wrong. This combined with Sam Young's stuff makes me consider resignation.

Re: MormonStories #998-999 - Dusty Johns

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 10:25 pm
by Corsair
Arcturus wrote: Tue Oct 16, 2018 7:28 pm If Dusty and Tate get excommunicated, what is the church saying?
It's saying, "We are not kidding about the November 2015 policy." The kindest thing we can say to people affected by it is to find a new faith community.

My daughter and daughter-in-law are not the couple that would try this out in their area. The have LDS friends and simply don't interact with the church. I don't imagine they will ever get ex'ed unless some particularly zealous bishop decides to take it on. Unfortunately, the person that will suffer the most from this kind of action is my dear, believing wife. It will break her heart and she will likely still go to the temple for solace.