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Here comes Facebook...

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:11 pm
by Raylan Givens
My DW posted this on Facebook tonight. First time acknowledging a change has occurred in our family.

"I want to introduce a new word into the English language: Normon - noun. A no-longer *Mormon.

Not anti. Not inactive. Not less active. Just not *Mormon.

Might belong to another religion OR spiritual tradition OR be atheistic. Might drink the devil’s liquids OR might not. Might have been offended at some point in life OR might not. Might have stopped doing the small and simple things OR might be a scriptorian and theological scholar. Might be driven by overwhelming urges to sin OR might be more righteous than your grandma. Is always formerly *Mormon.

* “Mormon” used to denote members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and may be replaced with any other title according to current trends.


Interested to see the response to this.

Re: Here comes Facebook...

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2018 12:58 pm
by lightbulb
I like it!