From Apostate to the HC
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:10 am
So, I've been teasing this story for a while, now in the mood and have the time to tell it. Crucial details left out, of course.
And I want to make sure that ya'll know that my SP friend is not the villain of the story, I think we all know who that will be. I also apologize for the length, but it's a good story.
So after being released as the GD teacher and having no calling for a while, it's time to get the old TR renewed, which for reasons I need right now. I breeze through the Bishop interview, he gets the NOM way and has some time for me, then I'm off to see the new SP, who is also a good friend. It doesn't start well, as he uses the "a" word right off the hopper, and not a-hole either. I'm a bit taken aback, and basically say, how do you know I'm an apostate, and you haven't even started the interview yet? So he reluctantly starts, and I basically give all my NOM answers, pretty truthfully, as I've done for the last 6 years, and he doesn't want to give me a TR at the end of it. So I start asking why, and he says I don't believe. I say that's true, I don't believe LIKE YOU, I have nuanced beliefs, but this is how things are going to be run in your stake? Are you going after apathetic members next? Everyone has to believe in a literal BOM people, that leaders make no mistakes? These are the only true TR holding members that will pass? I was pretty ticked. So I started asking him about the essays, about Bushman's book, the JS papers project and all where I'm getting my information from, NOT ANTI-MORMON SOURCES, and basically prove my point, which he has little clue about. This lasted about another half an hour, and then I realize what am I doing? I need this TR right now. So I basically say, "Lookit, I know you aren't doing this personally, this is not about me, it's clear you don't really know what to do and I know you just want to do the right thing. But is taking away my TR the right thing?" This thawed the room by about 100 degrees, which gave me the space to ask, so who's pushing for this really? Turns out, my old friend the HP group leader who is now in the stake, is STILL pushing to have me kicked out of the Mormon club. So then we turned to what the handbook says about apostasy - the repeated public opposition to the church or its leaders. So I say, have I been public, or has this idiot MADE my thoughts public? I've been pretty quiet, I just sit and don't give anyone a hard time in class or otherwise. He again reluctantly agrees, that's not what I'm doing. Even more importantly, I'm not addressing my concerns with ANYBODY other than my priesthood leaders - I'm not searching out the "weak links" to damage their testimonies, or anything of the sort, to which again he reluctantly agrees.
So I say, why don't you give this some thought, talk to one of your higher ups, talk to people who know me, and see if this is really the right thing to do. To his credit, he does this, and while we have two other meetings I don't want to talk about, he eventually signs the recommend. I take his testimony with good grace, because I have what I need and leave. And I think, good friends again. Which is important to me, and I think, to him.
Fast forward a few months, he calls me in with Sis M. I think its a calling for Sis M, she's a good lass. He then calls me to the HC. I'm stunned, that a few months earlier I'm on the chopping block, and now this? I think it's a credit to him, and having seen him in action now, it's pretty clear he thinks some changes in the hardline fundamentalist faction need to occur, and so he welcomes my point of view. So I had a choice to make - do I refuse, or do I try to help change things from within? It took me a while to figure this out, but I realized that there are still waaaay too many hardliners in places of leadership, and that needs to be blunted with a voice like mine. Maybe not for my own kids' sake, they get it and they are much older, but for some of the others. So while I made a few provisos in what I was willing to do or say, I eventually accepted. And frankly, it's been a good experience thus far - I say no when I have too, I make comments that clearly cut across the fundamentalist line and they just listen, it's not been too bad. Slamming the Miracle of Forgiveness in one meeting was the highlight, thus far. But I've been impressed with my friend, and if all Mormons were like this guy, the church wouldn't be in the state it's in. But he's the exception, not the rule, and the problems start at the top.
In any event, if you're still with me wish me luck as I haven't been in this position in over a decade, I still hate meetings, but now the gloves are off and I'm willing to say what needs to be said. We'll see how long it lasts!
And I want to make sure that ya'll know that my SP friend is not the villain of the story, I think we all know who that will be. I also apologize for the length, but it's a good story.
So after being released as the GD teacher and having no calling for a while, it's time to get the old TR renewed, which for reasons I need right now. I breeze through the Bishop interview, he gets the NOM way and has some time for me, then I'm off to see the new SP, who is also a good friend. It doesn't start well, as he uses the "a" word right off the hopper, and not a-hole either. I'm a bit taken aback, and basically say, how do you know I'm an apostate, and you haven't even started the interview yet? So he reluctantly starts, and I basically give all my NOM answers, pretty truthfully, as I've done for the last 6 years, and he doesn't want to give me a TR at the end of it. So I start asking why, and he says I don't believe. I say that's true, I don't believe LIKE YOU, I have nuanced beliefs, but this is how things are going to be run in your stake? Are you going after apathetic members next? Everyone has to believe in a literal BOM people, that leaders make no mistakes? These are the only true TR holding members that will pass? I was pretty ticked. So I started asking him about the essays, about Bushman's book, the JS papers project and all where I'm getting my information from, NOT ANTI-MORMON SOURCES, and basically prove my point, which he has little clue about. This lasted about another half an hour, and then I realize what am I doing? I need this TR right now. So I basically say, "Lookit, I know you aren't doing this personally, this is not about me, it's clear you don't really know what to do and I know you just want to do the right thing. But is taking away my TR the right thing?" This thawed the room by about 100 degrees, which gave me the space to ask, so who's pushing for this really? Turns out, my old friend the HP group leader who is now in the stake, is STILL pushing to have me kicked out of the Mormon club. So then we turned to what the handbook says about apostasy - the repeated public opposition to the church or its leaders. So I say, have I been public, or has this idiot MADE my thoughts public? I've been pretty quiet, I just sit and don't give anyone a hard time in class or otherwise. He again reluctantly agrees, that's not what I'm doing. Even more importantly, I'm not addressing my concerns with ANYBODY other than my priesthood leaders - I'm not searching out the "weak links" to damage their testimonies, or anything of the sort, to which again he reluctantly agrees.
So I say, why don't you give this some thought, talk to one of your higher ups, talk to people who know me, and see if this is really the right thing to do. To his credit, he does this, and while we have two other meetings I don't want to talk about, he eventually signs the recommend. I take his testimony with good grace, because I have what I need and leave. And I think, good friends again. Which is important to me, and I think, to him.
Fast forward a few months, he calls me in with Sis M. I think its a calling for Sis M, she's a good lass. He then calls me to the HC. I'm stunned, that a few months earlier I'm on the chopping block, and now this? I think it's a credit to him, and having seen him in action now, it's pretty clear he thinks some changes in the hardline fundamentalist faction need to occur, and so he welcomes my point of view. So I had a choice to make - do I refuse, or do I try to help change things from within? It took me a while to figure this out, but I realized that there are still waaaay too many hardliners in places of leadership, and that needs to be blunted with a voice like mine. Maybe not for my own kids' sake, they get it and they are much older, but for some of the others. So while I made a few provisos in what I was willing to do or say, I eventually accepted. And frankly, it's been a good experience thus far - I say no when I have too, I make comments that clearly cut across the fundamentalist line and they just listen, it's not been too bad. Slamming the Miracle of Forgiveness in one meeting was the highlight, thus far. But I've been impressed with my friend, and if all Mormons were like this guy, the church wouldn't be in the state it's in. But he's the exception, not the rule, and the problems start at the top.
In any event, if you're still with me wish me luck as I haven't been in this position in over a decade, I still hate meetings, but now the gloves are off and I'm willing to say what needs to be said. We'll see how long it lasts!