McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Corsair »

That was amazing. I would have enjoyed having a giant bowl of popcorn while this was going on. I live only a few miles from this building and I would have enjoyed watching the fireworks, but I suppose it's simply the kind of operation that needs to be a surprise, and not a scheduled event. Well done, McKenna and Mike.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by FreeFallin »

Damn! My heart was beating out of my chest watching that. She's got courage. Awesome to see people taking back their power.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Palerider »

She was right in the sense that the Bishop can't lay a hand on her if she isn't physically harming anyone. They have to call the police and have her escorted off the property and charged with tresspassing if they are inclined. They cannot forcibly remove her if she doesn't pose a physical threat.

But the Bishop ended up looking like a bully here. Best thing to do is cut power to the mic and dismiss sacrament meeting immediately while they call the police.

Here, he just looked like a bully.

I don't blame her for trying. In days past it may not have had much impact but with the internet....huge audience....
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by blazerb »

Palerider wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:28 pm She was right in the sense that the Bishop can't lay a hand on her if she isn't physically harming anyone. They have to call the police and have her escorted off the property and charged with tresspassing if they are inclined. They cannot forcibly remove her if she doesn't pose a physical threat.

But the Bishop ended up looking like a bully here. Best thing to do is cut power to the mic and dismiss sacrament meeting immediately while they call the police.

Here, he just looked like a bully.

I don't blame her for trying. In days past it may not have had much impact but with the internet....huge audience....
For the lawyers, what is the likelihood of those who took her away from the stand facing charges? Is this a misdemeanor? The church has some good lawyers to defend the bishop if they can.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Archimedes »

If that bishop got sued personally I'm not sure the church would fund his defense. Church lawyers are only there to defend the church against its many enemies. Volunteer clergy get hung out to dry. Why anybody would ever accept that job I have no idea.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by wtfluff »


Not much else to say.

Except that I hope antics such as this don't cause problems in the future with her lawsuit against LDS/Mormon-Inc.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Hagoth »

2 Nephi 27:11 And the day cometh that the words of the book which were sealed shall be read upon the house tops; and they shall be read by the power of Christ; and all things shall be revealed unto the children of men which ever have been among the children of men, and which ever will be even unto the end of the earth.

Mormon 5:8 And now behold, I, Mormon, do not desire to harrow up the souls of men in casting before them such an awful scene of blood and carnage as was laid before mine eyes; but I, knowing that these things must surely be made known, and that all things which are hid must be revealed upon the house-tops

Matt 10:26: Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Reuben »

wtfluff wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:45 pm Wow.

Not much else to say.

Except that I hope antics such as this don't cause problems in the future with her lawsuit against LDS/Mormon-Inc.
My exact thoughts, and in the same order.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Not Buying It »

Well - personally I don’t think it was the best move. Was it brave? You bet. Does Joseph Bishop deserve public humiliation? Absolutely. Does the Church deserve public humiliation for protecting and enabling someone like Joseph Bishop and for not giving a damn about his victims? Without question.

But disrupting a Church service doesn’t make you look like a hero, and hurts members who are just there trying to have a worship service. Open mike Sunday presents an opportunity for all kinds of disruptions, but I personally don’t think it is a good way to strike out at the Church or any of its members. Besides, it has given the Church ammunition against McKenna, and they have used it in their statement on on the incident.

I think it was a bad move.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Hagoth »

Not Buying It wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:16 am Well - personally I don’t think it was the best move. Was it brave? You bet. Does Joseph Bishop deserve public humiliation? Absolutely. Does the Church deserve public humiliation for protecting and enabling someone like Joseph Bishop and for not giving a damn about his victims? Without question.

But disrupting a Church service doesn’t make you look like a hero, and hurts members who are just there trying to have a worship service. Open mike Sunday presents an opportunity for all kinds of disruptions, but I personally don’t think it is a good way to strike out at the Church or any of its members. Besides, it has given the Church ammunition against McKenna, and they have used it in their statement on on the incident.

I think it was a bad move.
I can see what you mean, but it was front and center on the local newscast last night, so it was a good move if McKenna's goal is to say "I will not be forgotten and swept under the rug." Mrs. Hagoth, who usually doesn't appreciate such displays, was impressed and said, "wow, that took a lot of guts!"

Aligning herself with NewNameNoah will make her a curse and a byword for believing Mormons who know anything about what he does, so she's obviously not trying to win any points with TBMs.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by profit_seizer »

It's hard to know what will get traction in the greater mormon world of news etc. I'm inclined to believe that the only bad press is no press here, and that McKenna did her level best to make sure that "no press" wasn't an option. It's probably not going to convince any TBMs, but most of them were never going to get convinced anyway. It might get the issue in front of new people who haven't seen it / been made aware of it and that is probably worth the TBMs who were ambivalent but are now hostile. Probably.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Yobispo »

Corsair wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:13 pm That was amazing. I would have enjoyed having a giant bowl of popcorn while this was going on. I live only a few miles from this building and I would have enjoyed watching the fireworks, but I suppose it's simply the kind of operation that needs to be a surprise, and not a scheduled event. Well done, McKenna and Mike.
Hey Corsair, the rumor is that they have video of Joe Bishop taking the sacrament. I don't know if that is accurate. Do you know anyone locally who would be willing to get that on video? Not make a scene, just very quietly film the old #$@! actively participating. I'd love to see that in a side-by-side of Sam getting the bum's rush.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Red Ryder »

Yobispo wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:50 am
Corsair wrote: Mon Sep 03, 2018 1:13 pm That was amazing. I would have enjoyed having a giant bowl of popcorn while this was going on. I live only a few miles from this building and I would have enjoyed watching the fireworks, but I suppose it's simply the kind of operation that needs to be a surprise, and not a scheduled event. Well done, McKenna and Mike.
Hey Corsair, the rumor is that they have video of Joe Bishop taking the sacrament. I don't know if that is accurate. Do you know anyone locally who would be willing to get that on video? Not make a scene, just very quietly film the old #$@! actively participating. I'd love to see that in a side-by-side of Sam getting the bum's rush.
No offense here Yobispo because you're one of the good guys but I have to rant about this after reading on reddit about Bishop taking the sacrament...

Who @&$?! cares if he takes the sacrament!! Everyone in his ward knows who he is and the allegations against him. Nobody in the building believes the allegations in the first place. Bishop taking the sacrament is just something all of us exmos want to see so we can say WTF is the church protecting this clown from! Why can he eat the wonder bread while Sam is getting the whole loaf shoved up his ass? That's not fair, pout, pout, sniff, sniff... See how unfair the mormon church is!

Whether or not he takes the sacrament is so ducking fumb and pointless let alone getting it caught on video.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by rockslider »

Not Buying It wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:16 am Well - personally I don’t think it was the best move. Was it brave? You bet. Does Joseph Bishop deserve public humiliation? Absolutely. Does the Church deserve public humiliation for protecting and enabling someone like Joseph Bishop and for not giving a damn about his victims? Without question.

But disrupting a Church service doesn’t make you look like a hero, and hurts members who are just there trying to have a worship service. Open mike Sunday presents an opportunity for all kinds of disruptions, but I personally don’t think it is a good way to strike out at the Church or any of its members. Besides, it has given the Church ammunition against McKenna, and they have used it in their statement on on the incident.

I think it was a bad move.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by consiglieri »

Just got off the phone with McKenna.

I told her I thought she did great! I can't imagine her doing it any better.

She was composed; she got to the point; she said what she had to say in a forum where she could publicly address Joseph Bishop in his ward and with his ward members listening.

She has balls of steel.

And when she was being escorted from the stand, she kept her composure admirably.

Which is more than around five men did in the hallway while she was being escorted out of the chapel; they were coming at her and saying things like she has no right to be there and this isn't the right place to be saying those kinds of things.

This is the point where the stake president shines. He was there and one of those who escorted her from the podium. But the SP put his hands up to these other male members coming at her and backed them off.

The SP then met with McKenna for fifteen minutes afterward in a room inside the ward building.

McKenna had the chance to explain who she was and why she was there and what Joseph Bishop did to her and how she has been reporting this to different church leaders for thirty years.

The stake president, who was at all points a gentleman and handling this as well as anybody in his position could be expected to handle it, evinced surprise at this.

From his demeanor, it seemed that he was not in the loop as to what was going on with Joseph Bishop, even though he is a member of the stake over which he presides.

Now, it may have been an act, but when somebody acting that well under difficult circumstances indicates he was nonplussed over the situation, there may be some truth to it. Which makes me wonder how many other members of Bishop's stake or ward know about this.

I am surprised (for a variety of reasons) the LDS Church would not put the stake president of Joseph Bishop's own stake in the know.

The stake president definitely did not know about Sam Young's actions and his excommunication scheduled of next Sunday.

McKenna told him she thought things were horribly wrong where a person like Joseph Bishop is taking the sacrament and a member who is bringing public light to a damaging church policy of child sex interviews behind closed doors gets excommunicated. (I think this kind of language is important because it is speaking the language of the stake president and average member which they are more likely to understand.)

My bottom line on this is that this kind of thing is what happens when the LDS Church gives no place for members with issues to address them to the general church leadership.

They are supposed to be quiet and play by the rules.

McKenna is not going to play by their rules.

And because of what she did Sunday, more people are going to know about Joseph Bishop than otherwise would.

I think that's a good thing.

If only so they can take whatever steps are necessary to protect themselves and their families.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Red Ryder »

Did the 15 minute visit with the SP get recorded?
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by Unendowed »

Not a fan of this stunt either. Not sure what it accomplished. I support McKenna 100% in her battle with the church and she deserves justice for what she had gone through but this does nothing for her cause. I really didn't like the mocking tone of the first part of this video. To me it just makes light of this whole situation and was in poor taste.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by moksha »

Why would she do this if she has a pending case? Her action seems ill-advised from that point alone, not to mention it was in poor taste. McKenna is not some young Savannah, trying to say to her ward that she was not one of God's mistakes. McKenna was at that particular Church for a fairly malevolent reason: She wanted her pound of flesh from Joseph Bishop's ward.

This action was based on the strategy employed by Delta House when they learned their fraternity charter was not going to be renewed by Faber College due to a Double Secret Probation clause. You convert the Lincoln Continental into the Death Mobile and engage in mock guerrilla warfare at the Faber College homecoming, yet no one will go on to become Senator John Blutarsky.

I assume Mike Norton assisted her in that decision.
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Re: McKenna Bears Testimony in Bishop's Ward

Post by rockslider »

It's good to hear that the SP is now aware, it would be fantastic if Bishop got the x.

Isn't it depressing how oblivious 'chapel mormons' are of all of the negative things that seem to erupt all around them with increasing frequency.
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