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Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:00 pm
by Hagoth
I'm a full time non-traditional (old guy) student living off my investments. I have no income and I pay no tithing.
I went to tithing settlement today. When the bishop (really good guy, by the way) asked me if I pay a full tithe I said, "I pay no tithing and I have no income." He got up, walked over and high-fived me and said, "You're a full tithe payer!"
I said, "hey, you're right, and I pay on gross!"
Re: Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:52 pm
by wtfluff
Hagoth wrote:I'm a full time non-traditional (old guy) student living off my investments.
You know, if you were REALLY a good little mormon boy, you would pay 10% on every penny that you withdraw from your investments to the Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I know you already paid tithing on it before you invested it, but the toga-wearing guy with the big white Santa Claus beard near kolob
really needs your money. Malls and high-rise apartment buildings don't come cheap, and treasure-finding rocks don't seem to work, no matter what century it is...
Re: Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:02 pm
by Hagoth
Shh! My bishop might hear you.
Re: Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:25 pm
by Red Ryder
The Ryder's went in today. Bishop said that if the kids hadn't paid because they didn't earn any money, than they would only be full tithe payers if Mom or Dad were. The Ryder kids have paid so they happily declared themselves as FTP's.
The bishop then implied that families were happier when EVERYONE had a temple recommend.
I had consciously thought of the patented Giant Sloth stare and just slowly smiled as he was saying all this stuff. I looked over at the Deacon in the room eating one of his 9 chocolate bars and could only smile at his apathy towards the whole situation.
Re: Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:37 pm
by 2bizE
I too am an FTP. I no longer pay on gross, in fact I don't know exactly how I pay. What I do know is it is much less than I used to. I now take in consideration things like total cost of my vehicles. I commute to work. I work for a company, but I look at myself as being in business for myself. I should only pay on my interest. I must subtract my car payments, cost of fuel, cost of tires, etc. I also have to buy clothes for work and church. Another subtraction. I have to eat for work. Another subtraction. Medical expenses and costs for most living expenses are subtracted. Then finally I pay on what is left, which should be my increase.
How do others calculate tithing?
Re: Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:37 pm
by Enough
I might be the only Part-Tithe payer in the church who attends Tithing Settlement each year, to declare her Partial Tithe-paying status. This year, I got a long, hard stare-- kind of intense, but compassionate. No shaming in front of my DH & kids. So, YAY!! It's a good year. Good (new) Bishop.
Re: Full tithe payer and I didn't even know it
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:27 pm
by Red Ryder
Enough wrote:I might be the only Part-Tithe payer in the church who attends Tithing Settlement each year, to declare her Partial Tithe-paying status. This year, I got a long, hard stare-- kind of intense, but compassionate. No shaming in front of my DH & kids. So, YAY!! It's a good year. Good (new) Bishop.
One year the brand new bishop looked concerned as he saw zero donations on the paper. He said, "Nothing? You've paid nothing? Not even a part tithe?" I nearly reached into my pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill but came to my senses and said, nope...nothing.
Some get it while others blow a circuit.
Only 360 more days until tithing settlement 2017!