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Farcry 5

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:32 am
by Lithium Sunset
I am surprised no one has mentioned the game Farcry 5. I have not played it personally, but I have watched my son play it. My son thinks it is meant to be an extreme version of the Mormon religion. He has made many correlations and I was wondering if anyone has done the same. Right now he is talking about the heavy ad campaigning... he knows I am writing this. They build many temples and shrines even though no one visits them. The main guy’s name is Joseph Seed. There is the threat of burning in hell if you don’t pay tithing. There are other things too.
I was just wondering if anyone else has played it and made connections. I don’t want to offend anyone who is nom (original meaning) or new on their journey of questioning...


Re: Farcry 5

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:53 pm
by Mad Jax

Re: Farcry 5

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:31 pm
by Evil_Bert
I have been playing Far Cry 5. I hadn't put the Mormon spin on the game, but now that you mention it. I haven't completed it yet but I am close. Just to many things in the way.

Re: Farcry 5

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:22 am
by Lithium Sunset
Mad Jax wrote: Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:53 pm viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3168
Ah, I searched “Farcry 5”, that is why I didnt see your post on the subject. Watched the video with son. Thanks for posting the link. I realize now that when I said I watched him play, it was probably less than 10% of the game which I am glad for, after seeing the video. The video was interesting but some things were a stretch imo. My son made some good points that go against his main theory, like if you hurt someone in the resistance they will become hostile toward you. Oh, and I didn’t agree with his reason one would use the word cult. I did like that he said people should form their own ideas from multiple sources. Hope teens watching the video were listen to that one and think twice about what their Fox or CNN obsessed parents say.

My son also said that the location of the cult in the game is the same longitude as Salt Lake.
The missionaries stopped by today. We should have talked to them about this game haha... yikes.

Oh, and my son brought up how the youtuber said the word subscribe in a short amount of time, not meaning subscribe to his channel but in the context of his cult comparison... coincidence haha?
I should have just had my son write this post. He is in a blissful state talking about all this... har har.

He finished the whole game Bert. If you think about it/remember, write back what you think of the ending. The free build mode is pretty cool!

Re: Farcry 5

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:03 pm
by moksha
I remember including this image in a forum story some time ago. Can't remember the details now, but looking at it again suggests a John McNaughton painting of a future Mormon revival near Woodland, Utah

Re: Farcry 5

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 4:23 pm
by Lithium Sunset
I looked up McNaughton’s work. He is an...uh.....interesting artist. Yikes.