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Stake President

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 10:33 pm
by Thoughtful
With regard to my daughter, Spouseman and I talked to the SP tonight. He hasn't had any details at all, so we filled him in the recent trauma, police, etc.

After a long talk, he bore his testimony that we need this to take us closer to Jesus, not farther away. That we need to make sure we don't get angry with God...

Spouseman talked diplomatically about his career in psychology and academia has taught him that change and healing take time. Bore his testimony of Jesus (only of Jesus).

I said there was a time in my life a long time ago I was angry at God, and I told God so, and God gave back love, which dissolved the anger. Anger at God has never come back. And what I learned was God can handle my anger better than I can. There's nothing else I can dish out that God needs to be protected from.

I don't think my answer was what he wanted, but it definitely steered the convo away from testimonies...

Re: Stake President

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:58 am
by græy
I am sorry to hear about everything your daughter and your family are going through. It sounds like you handled the SP meeting well.

Many leaders can't seem to come up with anything to help other than the "Primary" answers. Our bishop is very big on those. When trouble strikes, read BoM, pray, and stay close to Jesus. (And keep paying tithing!) It often feels so trivial compared to what is actually happening. :roll:

Re: Stake President

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 2:30 pm
by Thoughtful
græy wrote: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:58 am I am sorry to hear about everything your daughter and your family are going through. It sounds like you handled the SP meeting well.

Many leaders can't seem to come up with anything to help other than the "Primary" answers. Our bishop is very big on those. When trouble strikes, read BoM, pray, and stay close to Jesus. (And keep paying tithing!) It often feels so trivial compared to what is actually happening. :roll:
You know, I just want the primary answers from the perpetrators in our stake, including my FIL and MIL

ABCs of repentance:
Admit what you did.
Be sorry
Change and correct the outcomes of what you did
Dont do it again.

After we talked to the stake, the SP indicated a disciplinary council will be held for BIL. Not sure if anything for my other ILs and their part in covering it up and enabling him.

Re: Stake President

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:58 pm
by IT_Veteran
Sorry your SP doesn't know how to be supportive, but it sounds like you handled it as well as anyone could. I'm glad that he's proceeding with church discipline to help protect other children, but I hope they are also supportive of your efforts in pursuing law enforcement action.

Re: Stake President

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:31 pm
by Thoughtful
IT_Veteran wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:58 pm Sorry your SP doesn't know how to be supportive, but it sounds like you handled it as well as anyone could. I'm glad that he's proceeding with church discipline to help protect other children, but I hope they are also supportive of your efforts in pursuing law enforcement action.
I think that despite his testimony focus, he wants to help. I think he's aware that the current impression is that some have protected the wrong hopefully he will follow through.