My Story: Finding Faith, Losing the Church
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:18 pm
Hello friends!
I have lurked here a long time and have only recently done a few posts, but I still feel I know you all because so much of our roots are the same. We all have a similar story. I’d like to tell mine, hopefully it helps someone else on their path.
I was baptized at 8, in all the beehive, Mia Maid and Laurel presidencies as a youth. I loved the church so much. It was my life. I had my YW medallion by age 16. But my story really begins at age 18.
I had a Patriarchal blessing and a Fathers blessing around this time. The combination of the two told me to go to a certain college. At this certain college I would meet my eternal companion. I was sooo happy! I trusted God and my priesthood leaders that it would all work out and I was sure I’d be married soon enough.
Well I didn’t have as good of a time at that college as I thought I would. At the same time my priesthood blessings encouraged me to stay there! Endure! My parents encouraged me to move back home. I said, what about my blessings? All they could do was shake their heads. Why would my parents advise me to ignore my blessings? I started to not trust them. Dissonance begins...
After I moved back home I got a boyfriend. My parents didn’t like him because he wasn’t apart of our faith. They wanted him to see the missionaries. He didn’t want to. I felt so guilty at the time I was trying to convert him. There was just this bad feeling in the air. I let him choose if he wanted the missionaries. He didn’t. I knew we’d have to break up. We didn’t. I accepted him for who he is. Lots of tension between me and my parents.
I felt like I needed to see the bishop and confess. We didn’t do much, just more than a good young single adult girl should do— but I still feel like I felt the spirit. I still felt God guiding me, I felt no spiritual death that comes with sin. But as a good girl, I planned on confessing at a temple recommend interview. The question came and I lied. I felt the spirit tell me in that instant that I don’t need to confess my sins to anyone. I felt clean. I felt like because I had the intention of confessing, God forgave me. But I still felt off about it.
I started going on the Internet and fining this forum, mormon stories, and the exmormon files on YouTube. How could all of these people be happy?!? I still thought that the church was true, but I just wanted to understand those who left. I wanted to see what kind of people these were. Questions came, Was it really just me, is there no spirit?
Meanwhile I felt all of this guilt. I felt like I was so far from God because “his church” was crumbling before me. I was wondering why I needed to confess something to my bishop and why I couldn’t have a direct connection to MY God. Why did I need a prophet for guidance? Why does my father need to help me with big decisions? Why didn’t the holy ghost help my boyfriend and convert him? I was pondering all this, and I prayed, “God, I can’t confess to my bishop. I just want you. If I can’t have YOU directly, then I guess you’ve lost me.”
Then I heard a voice whisper to me in my heart. It said as clear as day, “I could NEVER leave you.” My God can never leave me.
I started to read the Bible, the New Testament. It contradicts the BoM so much! How could I not see this! I fell in love with Jesus, according to the Bible he isn’t my brother, he’s my God in the flesh. I started listening to Christian music. They sang bible verses in their songs, it was beautiful. All in 6 months this transition happened.
There were still some things in biblical Christianity that bugged me, but just knowing what the Bible really says has helped me so much. That’s all I needed to find out that the church isn’t true. If I were to attend a new church it would probably be a Christian Church. Best of all, I learned I do have a direct line to my God.
I don’t want to reveal too much about what’s happening in my life now, but I’m still in the closet, so to speak, still technically a member of the church. But I’ve found happiness! I now know that God is not just in the Bible’s or the temples, he’s everywhere, in every religion, in all of us. He could never leave me.
I’m grateful I could stay connected to my God through it all. I know many of us turn atheist, but God is there still. I think he’s even in mormonism, he won’t completely leave them behind. I’m still figuring out this middle way as I move forward, I don’t wish to upset my family, they truly believe you can’t have a real spiritual experience outside of the church. I still pray for them to be free.
I hope you find value in my story and feel free to ask me any questions, within reason of course!
I have lurked here a long time and have only recently done a few posts, but I still feel I know you all because so much of our roots are the same. We all have a similar story. I’d like to tell mine, hopefully it helps someone else on their path.
I was baptized at 8, in all the beehive, Mia Maid and Laurel presidencies as a youth. I loved the church so much. It was my life. I had my YW medallion by age 16. But my story really begins at age 18.
I had a Patriarchal blessing and a Fathers blessing around this time. The combination of the two told me to go to a certain college. At this certain college I would meet my eternal companion. I was sooo happy! I trusted God and my priesthood leaders that it would all work out and I was sure I’d be married soon enough.
Well I didn’t have as good of a time at that college as I thought I would. At the same time my priesthood blessings encouraged me to stay there! Endure! My parents encouraged me to move back home. I said, what about my blessings? All they could do was shake their heads. Why would my parents advise me to ignore my blessings? I started to not trust them. Dissonance begins...
After I moved back home I got a boyfriend. My parents didn’t like him because he wasn’t apart of our faith. They wanted him to see the missionaries. He didn’t want to. I felt so guilty at the time I was trying to convert him. There was just this bad feeling in the air. I let him choose if he wanted the missionaries. He didn’t. I knew we’d have to break up. We didn’t. I accepted him for who he is. Lots of tension between me and my parents.
I felt like I needed to see the bishop and confess. We didn’t do much, just more than a good young single adult girl should do— but I still feel like I felt the spirit. I still felt God guiding me, I felt no spiritual death that comes with sin. But as a good girl, I planned on confessing at a temple recommend interview. The question came and I lied. I felt the spirit tell me in that instant that I don’t need to confess my sins to anyone. I felt clean. I felt like because I had the intention of confessing, God forgave me. But I still felt off about it.
I started going on the Internet and fining this forum, mormon stories, and the exmormon files on YouTube. How could all of these people be happy?!? I still thought that the church was true, but I just wanted to understand those who left. I wanted to see what kind of people these were. Questions came, Was it really just me, is there no spirit?
Meanwhile I felt all of this guilt. I felt like I was so far from God because “his church” was crumbling before me. I was wondering why I needed to confess something to my bishop and why I couldn’t have a direct connection to MY God. Why did I need a prophet for guidance? Why does my father need to help me with big decisions? Why didn’t the holy ghost help my boyfriend and convert him? I was pondering all this, and I prayed, “God, I can’t confess to my bishop. I just want you. If I can’t have YOU directly, then I guess you’ve lost me.”
Then I heard a voice whisper to me in my heart. It said as clear as day, “I could NEVER leave you.” My God can never leave me.
I started to read the Bible, the New Testament. It contradicts the BoM so much! How could I not see this! I fell in love with Jesus, according to the Bible he isn’t my brother, he’s my God in the flesh. I started listening to Christian music. They sang bible verses in their songs, it was beautiful. All in 6 months this transition happened.
There were still some things in biblical Christianity that bugged me, but just knowing what the Bible really says has helped me so much. That’s all I needed to find out that the church isn’t true. If I were to attend a new church it would probably be a Christian Church. Best of all, I learned I do have a direct line to my God.
I don’t want to reveal too much about what’s happening in my life now, but I’m still in the closet, so to speak, still technically a member of the church. But I’ve found happiness! I now know that God is not just in the Bible’s or the temples, he’s everywhere, in every religion, in all of us. He could never leave me.
I’m grateful I could stay connected to my God through it all. I know many of us turn atheist, but God is there still. I think he’s even in mormonism, he won’t completely leave them behind. I’m still figuring out this middle way as I move forward, I don’t wish to upset my family, they truly believe you can’t have a real spiritual experience outside of the church. I still pray for them to be free.
I hope you find value in my story and feel free to ask me any questions, within reason of course!