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If you know the answer, ask bigger questions

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 3:58 pm
by MerrieMiss
Husband and I were on a date last week. As we drove downtown, a billboard came into view: “If you know the answer, ask bigger questions.”

Sums up so many of the issues I have had my entire life with the church. The church’s mantra may as well be, “We have the answers so don’t ask any non-approved questions.” And what happens when you do ask bigger questions?

• Let me answer the question you should have asked.
• It isn’t pertinent to your salvation.
• You’ll find out when you’re dead.
• A person with a testimony wouldn’t ask a question like that.
• You must not understand the gospel; milk before meat.

When I was still in the early stages of my disaffection my dad and I were discussing things I had honest questions about. His only bit of advice: If you keep asking questions, someday you may find the answers.

I can fault my parents for a lot of things, but I will say this: they never discouraged me from asking questions.

Re: If you know the answer, ask bigger questions

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:40 am
by MoPag
MerrieMiss wrote: Tue May 29, 2018 3:58 pm

• Let me answer the question you should have asked.
• It isn’t pertinent to your salvation.
• You’ll find out when you’re dead.
• A person with a testimony wouldn’t ask a question like that.
• You must not understand the gospel; milk before meat.

Typical church! Also I feel like there is this undertone of "we have a living prophet and he tells us we don't have to ask questions...God knows what we need and will tell him...and then he tells the prophet"

Re: If you know the answer, ask bigger questions

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 8:24 am
by Corsair
MerrieMiss wrote: Tue May 29, 2018 3:58 pm • You must not understand the gospel; milk before meat.
Tell me, exactly where is the kosher deli section of this church? They serve so many milk products that we now have to be enticed with something more sweet. It's all virtually ice cream served in church at this point. The milk might still be there but we are all virtually lactose intolerant because of over indulgence.

Will the protein of the gospel be served? Will the more complex topics be provided by an authorized butcher who can slice up a difficult cut into something that we can all agree is good and pleasing? Are there seriously still parts of this beef that even a heart surgeon cannot recognize?