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Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:48 am
by document
I received this message yesterday in my email inbox:
Brother [document],

I know that LDS people are almost always pushed to the side by so-called “Christians”. I’m tired to death of all these Christians who think there [sic] better than us. I was overjoyed and humbled to know that you were the chairperson of the event. We need more saints to represent us on this stuff, so many people just hate us.

I prayed with my husband last night and we Heavenly Father for you and the work you in the community. You are bringing the gospel out to the other “Christian” groups so they can see the true light of Christ. Your missionary work leaves me in awe.

Please continue your amazing work, and I’m excited to meet you on [date of event].


[Woman I’ve never met from a neighboring stake]
Umm...OK. Interesting. My threat of excommunication for apostasy stemmed from this single event when I showed up in robes and a pectoral cross (choir robes).

Interestingly enough, I actually _do_ stand up for Mormons, although the Mormon population has no idea. Our local Lutheran sects will _not_ participate in our program and tell me so, and I inform them every year politely yet firmly that we do not discriminate or determine who can hold the title “Christian”. The Lutherans have set up a similar event in protest giving to the same charity.

Anyway, I sent back this response:
Dear Mrs. [Woman I’ve never met from a neighboring stake],

Thank you for your note. My participation in putting on this event is two-fold: the first is to raise money for the food bank and the second is to bring our Christian community closer and to understand that despite our differences, we still have a commonality in both our Christian heritage and our love of choral music.

In bringing together the Christian community in [our community], I cringe at words like Christian being put into quotes when speaking of other sects. It diminishes their commitment to Jesus Christ and calls into question the legitimacy of their religion. I receive an e-mail every year from one sect in particular in our community who refuses to participate because we invite the LDS choirs. In that very same e-mail the pastor uses Christian in quotes to diminish the worship of Mormons.

I am very happy to have the LDS community provide choral music to our event. I think having the LDS choir and the 7th Day Adventist choir participate sends a strong message that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, despite our differences and adherence to traditional creeds.

That said, I think you should know that I am actually not LDS, although I can certainly understand why many people assume so. I was born LDS, raised LDS, married in the temple, and served a mission. I resigned over theological issues and have formally joined the Episcopal Church. My LDS family still says that I “act” LDS. I still hold the LDS people in high regard and have a love for the culture of Mormonism. You will still find an ally in me even though I do not believe in the LDS doctrines or theology.

I am looking forward to meeting you as well.

Yours in Christ,


Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 7:58 am
by oximormon
Nicely done.... :D
Id love to be a fly on the wall to see her reaction when she read it!

I was almost wondering who you were for a moment, I didn't recognise the new avatar - I was expecting a hamster in priest robes (or something like that is memory serves me)

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:22 am
by Corsair
LDS thought and culture is clearly not equipped to understand you, Document. I can't imagine that a dedicated Christian like you is going to ever be mentioned in an "Ensign" article since your life demonstrates a commitment to Jesus that far transcends the LDS church.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:52 am
by Hagoth
Excellent response. Please keep us up to date if you get a reply.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:29 am
by document
oximormon wrote:Nicely done.... :D
Id love to be a fly on the wall to see her reaction when she read it!

I was almost wondering who you were for a moment, I didn't recognise the new avatar - I was expecting a hamster in priest robes (or something like that is memory serves me)
Squirrels in choir robes, custom made by me. :)

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:13 am
by glass shelf
I'd love a front-row seat to the mental gymnastics that must have occurred when she read that.

Your response was thoughtful and considerate. Hopefully, it will help her realize how important it is to treat those that disagree with you and stand up for everyone's right to believe differently. (If only the LDS church took the teaching of the 11th AofF as seriously as they do tithing. Inter-religious interactions could be greatly improved.)

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 4:43 pm
by document
As requested, I received a response.

"I'm sorry you were offended."

That's it. :)

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:38 pm
by Hagoth
document wrote:As requested, I received a response.

"I'm sorry you were offended."

That's it. :)
That's the PERFECT Mormon passive-aggressive response!

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 1:19 am
by Anon70
Arg! That is so frustrating. Your response was perfect and kind. I hate it when people assign a feeling you did not portray to play the victim instead of analyzing their own behavior and prejudices. I had a similar exchange with a TBM recently where she continually misunderstood the topic of conversation. I honestly think she wasn't even reading my emails. So I spelled out the topic very clearly in three polite sentences. I got back "I'm sorry I made you so angry". I wasn't angry at all :(. Arg.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:47 am
by glass shelf
Hagoth wrote:
document wrote:As requested, I received a response.

"I'm sorry you were offended."

That's it. :)
That's the PERFECT Mormon passive-aggressive response!
It's so stereotypical. It's almost like a Pavlovian response.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 10:54 am
by deacon blues
way cool......I love ecumenical vibes

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:53 am
by document

I met the person last night face-to-face. I make it a point to go to each choir before hand and talk amongst them for a few minutes. It included an awkward handshake. She apologized again for her assumption, and I told her not to think twice of it. I'm happy to be associated with the wonderful people Mormons can be. It was awkward at first, but ended on a very positive note.

I get pretty giddy at the event every year and my ecumenical spirit comes out. So it is hard to have bad feelings in the environment.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:11 pm
by Korihor
You sir, are a true Christian.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:53 pm
by document
Meh, she just caught me on a great day!

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:27 am
by moksha
Document, is that ornery group of Lutherans part of the Missouri Synod?

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 6:42 am
by document
We had a split here recently over the gay issue. Some of the Lutherans went Missouri, and two stayed ELCA. However, they are all joined in boycotting our event in protest of LDS and SDE churches invited and two years ago set up a Lutheran exclusive copying our program exactly.

It actually really bugs me. Our program was set up to bring an ecumenical spirit, and it was copied with the intent to kill it.

Re: Fun E-mail and Response

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 9:01 am
by Enoch Witty
It's so depressing that your well-considered, thoughtful, loving reply was met with passive-aggressiveness, projection, and basically shutting down what could be a very nice continued conversation about Christlike love and service.

Then again, Mormons are programmed hard to avoid any criticism of church history or theology, so I can see why would feel like she needs to shut down the conversation when you mentioned you have theological differences. That's when you become a threat. ;)