Purpose vs Reaction
Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 2:38 pm
I've been wearing thin at work and home (see: I'm Tired) and I've reached a place I've never been before in my disaffection. After a tough talk with DW I decided it was time to buy normal underwear. Per Kish's recommendation I bought a 3 pack of meundies, and got a couple more Saxx. Both are fantastic. But I wasn't sure what undershirt to wear. All my pre-G undershirts were pretty awful, they would shrink after a couple washes and I preferred the Gs. I realize I don't have to wear an undershirt at all, but I like them sometimes. So I decided I would just wear the garment tops. They went from the symbol of my prison to my undershirt.
I wore the new bottoms for a few days but would try not to throw it in DW's face, so I felt like I was hiding. Then I went on a work trip and hung out at the bar for a few hours and thought DW would not like to hear that I was in a bar, so I was nervous about that. And I'm not very comfortable in a bar. I can see the draw, but I don't know if it is my scene. I know a few things that are my scene though: Jazz games, movies with my DW or friends, video game nights with my family and friends, playing basketball at my parents church where I've played on and off for half my life; these things are me. Maybe someday alcohol will be part of my life, but if it is I would like it to be part of MY life, not someone else's.
Along that vein, I realized many of the things I want to do are my reactions to the pain disaffecting has brought. It hurts to be an apostate. It hurts to see the manipulation of the church called inspired and God's will. It hurts to watch distance grow between me and my life described above. On NOM 1.0 I wrote a big list of the things I wanted to change from tithing to garments to church attendance to Sabbath observance and WOW. All these changes were reactionary. They weren't to take me somewhere, they were to take me away from somewhere. I was looking back.
I realized that in my disaffection I lost my purpose in life and I have not given that enough thought or mourning. Part of I'm Tired is me grasping at the straws of meaning in my life where I used to perceive a firm foundation. Not only firm, but absolute. I no longer see an absolute purpose to my life and, after having that in my upbringing, the relative purposes I have available just aren't as compelling. The only purpose that seems to be close is the purpose I find in raising my children and building our family. And me reacting to the pains of mormonism is not always helpful with them.
So now I have a renewed sense of self, and a drive to live MY life and to not let mormonism or ex-mormonism take that away from me. My choice of underwear can be in support of my purpose, rather than it's own purpose. And I can try to find other compelling purposes in life. Also, my desires in the list of changes away from church seem less important than living MY life. It lets me find some additional common ground with DW where we can make OUR life.
The pain will still be around and I will still need Saxx days, but I feel like I have some new life today, and I needed it, so I'll take it.
I wore the new bottoms for a few days but would try not to throw it in DW's face, so I felt like I was hiding. Then I went on a work trip and hung out at the bar for a few hours and thought DW would not like to hear that I was in a bar, so I was nervous about that. And I'm not very comfortable in a bar. I can see the draw, but I don't know if it is my scene. I know a few things that are my scene though: Jazz games, movies with my DW or friends, video game nights with my family and friends, playing basketball at my parents church where I've played on and off for half my life; these things are me. Maybe someday alcohol will be part of my life, but if it is I would like it to be part of MY life, not someone else's.
Along that vein, I realized many of the things I want to do are my reactions to the pain disaffecting has brought. It hurts to be an apostate. It hurts to see the manipulation of the church called inspired and God's will. It hurts to watch distance grow between me and my life described above. On NOM 1.0 I wrote a big list of the things I wanted to change from tithing to garments to church attendance to Sabbath observance and WOW. All these changes were reactionary. They weren't to take me somewhere, they were to take me away from somewhere. I was looking back.
I realized that in my disaffection I lost my purpose in life and I have not given that enough thought or mourning. Part of I'm Tired is me grasping at the straws of meaning in my life where I used to perceive a firm foundation. Not only firm, but absolute. I no longer see an absolute purpose to my life and, after having that in my upbringing, the relative purposes I have available just aren't as compelling. The only purpose that seems to be close is the purpose I find in raising my children and building our family. And me reacting to the pains of mormonism is not always helpful with them.
So now I have a renewed sense of self, and a drive to live MY life and to not let mormonism or ex-mormonism take that away from me. My choice of underwear can be in support of my purpose, rather than it's own purpose. And I can try to find other compelling purposes in life. Also, my desires in the list of changes away from church seem less important than living MY life. It lets me find some additional common ground with DW where we can make OUR life.
The pain will still be around and I will still need Saxx days, but I feel like I have some new life today, and I needed it, so I'll take it.