11 questions every human being must ask in pursuit of God.
Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 5:17 pm
Background: This is an email one of my friends received from their bishop upon learning of their doubts. He was highly accusatory and blamed them for having doubts.
How would you answer the questions?I can understand and sympathize with your struggles of doubt. This earthly life is a journey of faith and is bumpy for so many reasons, (health, longing for excitement and love, cultures in which we are raised, trials, weariness, and imperfect human interactions/relationships, and our own human frailty, just to mention a few). With all the love in my heart, I do want to caution you to be very careful in the assumptions and paradigms you use to ask questions, judge information, history, and truth.
Just the slightest thing out of context can change the entire meaning of something. An assumption, incorrectly made, can lead to a thousand poor decisions or mis-perceptions. The wrong prescribed eye lens's can distort the clearest pictures. I think there are several questions every human being must ask in its pursuit of God and the most noble truths of Heaven.
1. Have we really examined the full perspective and big picture, what information could we be missing? Are we sure we have the full perspective and truth on an issue?
2. What sources are we evaluating in our pursuit of truth? What are the motivations of those who put out these sources? Even if well intention-ed, what do these sources really know and do they have the full picture?
3. Have we really followed the process set forth by God to learn and know truth? Do we seek murkey down stream waters for truth or the original source of free flowing, cool, mountain waters of revelation?
4. Do we really know the source of our doubts? Is the doubt with the Church? Or perhaps the doubt with our ability to live up to the high and uncomfortable expectations of God?
5. Is there anything in our own life's that maybe causing us to put distance between us and the spirit?
6. Do we place our own human conditions and expectations on coming to know God?
7. If we know truth, are we really willing to put aside all worldly things and seek after His name?
8. Do we let our own insecurities, emotional hurts, and pettiness get in the way of more noble pursuits and honest communication with God?
9. Do we let the imperfections and limitations of humans beings (behaviors and communication) be the lens by which we look at truth?
10. Do we really know the full doctrines of this Church and their amazing implications?
11. Where else will one turn where so much good, nobleness, consistency, integrity, and fruits of truth can be found?
Only each individual seeking for truth can answer these questions honestly and even at that, I am not sure most of us can see accurately the full truth of these questions as it relates to our own self. But the honest answers to these question greatly impact how we hear, perceive, adapt and react to principles of Divine truth.