I have no desire to destroy her testimony, so I will only reveal my disbelief in the Church to her if I feel like I have to. But the Church is a huge part of the problem, and I need to find some gentle, non-threatening ways to convey that. Here are some ideas of things I have thought about communicating to her, I would be curious to know what the rest of you think:
- When talking with other members, LDS people always feel the need to filter whatever they say - let her know she doesn't have to do that with us, we aren't going to judge anything she says, she doesn't have to just say what she thinks a member of the Church is supposed to say. She is free to say what she really thinks.
- Let her know that her son is the most important thing - whatever guidance she gives him, she has to feel with all her heart it is the right thing for him, and not just what she thinks she is supposed to tell him, or what the people around her say she should tell him. His happiness is more important than anything anyone else tells her.
- Gently point out that per Church policy, her son can never have a fulfilling relationship with someone he is attracted to. What I want to communicate is that he could unnecessarily lead a lonely lifetime, only to have the Church change its policies in the future, and he would have wasted opportunities for relationships for no good reason. Think about all the second, third, and fourth wives when polygamy ended who got abandoned by their husbands after the Manifesto - they sacrificed their chances for having fulfilling monogamous relationships with a man so they could live the freakin' "Principle", and the Church rewarded them for their sacrifices by changing its policies and making a mockery of them. And then never talking about them again.
- Also gently pointing out that all members pick and choose which of the Brethren's pronouncements they follow - no one really believes that death should be the penalty for mixing white and black blood like Brigham Young taught, no one I know thinks the Church is under condemnation for not flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon or that the Civil Rights movement was a communist plot like Ezra Taft Benson taught - the Church itself picks and chooses which pronouncements of the Brethren it will promote and which it will ignore. She may need to do some picking and choosing when it comes to what the Brethren say about homosexuality.
What do you all think? Thanks in advance.