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Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:38 pm
by MalcolmVillager
So my TR lapsed at the end of the year. My youngest will turn 8 in 15 months so I know I will need one at that point. I have been dreading the interviews for months. Today my coworker who was recently put into the bishopric came walking out of the clerks office with the book in his hands. I knew I had a few minutes before my kids got out of class so I said "how fast can you bang one of those out?!!" And his reply was "about 2 and a half minutes" so in moment of weakness I went in and just said yes to all the right questions without any thought.

One question was funny though #3 about sustaining the prophet. We both sort of laughed as we don't really have one right now. Same happened with the SP. During the SP i almosy busted up laughing and I literally had to bite my tongue to not. He was so intent with those soul piercing eyes. Like Corsair's ongoing test of leader discernment they both failed once again.

Oh well. I got it done. Only did one session on my last 2 year membership pass. Don't plan on any this time. Probably a few youth baptism trips is all or an unexpected wedding. Maybe this will be my last one.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:43 pm
by Kishkumen
If you’re gonna have to get one, I think you did it right. Quick, (mostly) Painless, and minimize attention.

Well played.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:21 am
by No Tof
Yes but.....

You still have to pass by the second sentinel. SP have super special stones that help them see us heretics. Even in bright light if they use their hats.

Awaiting the report after you visit with him.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 8:15 am
by 2bizE
I think mine expires this month or last November. Too lazy to check. But I hope they get by with all my correct responses.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:55 am
by MerrieMiss
Good for you for getting it done quickly. My interview with the SP was terrible. It was twenty minutes and I was interrogated.
Are you married? Is your husband active? What's his calling? What's his job? Do you work? What's your calling? Where did you go to school? What did you major in? Same questions for husband. Why did you move? How many children? How old? What gender? Where am I from? My husband? Where do our parents live? Maiden name? and it went on, and on. You might think these just sound like small talk, but they were asked in bullet fashion, no conversational exchange, one after another. All that was missing was the lamp in my face. (I later found out one of DH's friends didn't want to become a HP because he'd have to meet with this guy and he has a reputation for doing this.)

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:10 pm
by Mormorrisey
Largely, I think the temple is attended so infrequently these days, that the standards for getting a TR has dropped significantly. At least anecdotally, that's what I see. However, it was touch and go for me to get mine renewed a couple of months ago, a story for another day.

But as long as it causes you little grief to have one, what's the harm?

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:35 pm
by Red Ryder
Oh come on guys!

The "endowed members without a current temple recommend" list isn't so bad.

Actually I've been considering going back and getting one again just so that I can flaunt it around in front of my parents and wife's parents. They seem to be the only people that care I don't have one. Plus then I could attend my kids temple weddings assuming they actually get married anytime in the next 10 years.

Having one seems more important than actually using it.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:37 pm
by LostGirl
I found humour was a great way of getting through it. The more distractions the better if you don't want to think about the questions too deeply.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:06 pm
by MerrieMiss
Red Ryder wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:35 pm Having one seems more important than actually using it.
Well, of course!! Who would want to use it? :lol:

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:21 pm
by Hagoth
I hope you get past the second sentinel, then you can relax for two years!

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:34 am
by Not Buying It
MalcolmVillager wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:38 pm Same happened with the SP. During the SP i almosy busted up laughing and I literally had to bite my tongue to not. He was so intent with those soul piercing eyes. Like Corsair's ongoing test of leader discernment they both failed once again.
Yeah, that happened in my last TR interview with a counselor in the Stake Presidency. He'd ask me a question, and after my answer he'd stare in my eyes and pause for an uncomfortably long time. Jerk. I'd just stare back until he moved on to the next question. I kept thinking "this trick might work this some people, but I can sit here in silence longer than you can".

I hate the way they try and make you think they can see down in your soul or something. They have some people fooled I guess.

Re: Renewed my TR unexpectedly today

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:59 pm
by MalcolmVillager
Yeah the soul stare is so creepy. I used to think they could read my mind. What a joke!