Goodboy, I dug out this letter from your mom on wayback
Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:25 pm
I was reading through the mega letters thread the way back machine captured from old NOM and came across this letter from your mom that was touching. What was the reaction from your mom with your recent resignation? ... &start=100 ... &start=100
Goodboy wrote:My parents are separated. My Dad is uber TBM and in poor physical and mental health and needs his faith right now so I wouldn't bother him. My Mom is active, has a PhD in psychology, and has a exmo boyfriend that stays over at her house regularly and who goes on multi-day trips with her, so I thought she would be more receptive... anyway this is the email I sent her:
Hi Mom,
I hope you have been enjoying your retirement!
Regarding our conversation that we had last year after I interviewed for the job in Logan... I have read some things recently that have really made me wonder more about the church... and
I wondered if you knew about these things, and if so how you have dealt with them.
Love you!
Her response:
Hey my favorite son, I sure love you. I am enjoying retirement. I have really been mostly lazy lately but keep thinking of things to do. I am sure I am not going to be idle long.
I am sad that you still seem to be struggling with the church thing. I read some of the links you sent-not all and agree that a lot of things about the church are pretty far-fetched and irrational. [Boyfriend] has also brought attention to some of the problems, too. And you know I have to concede that it's very possible that what I have grown up believing may be some sort of myth-unprovable at the least.
But then I go back to some of the basic things that have been such a positive influence to me. Believing in a loving Father in Heaven-invaluable.
I like believing that we can get answers to prayers, that God is a man, that revelation is possible. I like believing that someone can be persecuted and sacrifice for their beliefs and still believe.
I like the organization of the church, for children, young people, families taking care of each other.
Sometimes I have noticed my feelings when I read things like what you sent. My scientific mind kicks in and sort of weighs the evidence, but I don't really ever feel good. That is in contrast to other things I read that I do feel good, that I do feel the Spirit.
[Boyfriend put me onto a book] about how mormon people influence films, books, life in wholesome ways. Reading that made me feel good. I like being part of that.
When your dad and I married, I wanted you guys to be raised with God in your lives. I told him I would be okay if we did Presbyterian, as long as we did together. He made the decision for you to be raised LDS. I am glad. I actually like to go to church, to sing the songs, to hear the prayers, sometimes to listen to the talks or lessons. It feels comfortable to me, safe, loved by God.
I guess I feel like I am finished with the struggle of wanting to KNOW whether what I practice is true. If I decided the proof was against the church was such that I could no longer go along with it, what would the consequences be? My family would suffer. I like taking advantage of the good things it does to support me and my family. I am really okay with not knowing what to really believe. I know there is a God. I have had prayers answered. I am grateful for a strong family, and the church has had a positive influence in our lives. I love you, [GoodBoy], I am so glad you are my son. Mom
What do I think? I think she has some very good points. Maybe in religious matters truth is less important than what seems to work for the emotional people that we all are.