Discussions about holding onto your faith and beliefs, whether by staying LDS or by exploring and participating in other churches or faiths. The belief in any higher power (including God, Christ, Buddha, or Jedi) is true in this forum. Be kind to others.
For about the last two or three years now, I have been the more believing spouse that has been trying to 'stay faithful'. But it's been getting harder and harder. In less than two months we're moving to the 2:00 - 5:00 block, and I'm not sure how well that is going to play out.
I tend to be a pretty optimistic kind of person. I always try to find the good and positive messages. Sometimes they are easier to find than others. As I sit here and type, I am trying to think of what it is that causes me to remain faithful. Despite all my doubts... despite all the things I know... I really do believe that the LDS church teaches a message of Love and Hope. I know everyone doesn't see it that way. Shoot, it might be the 'rose colored glasses' I put on every day that make me see it that way. But that is what I believe. I look around the world and this country (USA), especially during election season, and I see lots of reason to hate, and be upset, and be angry, But when I think of the basic concepts of the Gospel, they bring me peace.
So, that's what keeps me faithful...
Except for when the 2:00 block comes... I don't think I have that much faith.
AZFllyer - it sounds like attending church gives you something important (I get that same sense of peace - but I am now attending another Christian church). You didn't mention where you wife is with the church, or whether you feel one way about the actual church (are you okay with it's history and tenets?) and another about attending (it helps center you). I guess I should ask - does 'faithful' mean regularly attending, or does it mean 'faith' in that particular church?
If it's important to attend an LDS congregation, you're always free to attend a different block or different building, even. I know they don't encourage it, but if that's the only solution that will make it comfortable (and agreeable) to attend, I doubt they'd interfere.
If you're no longer fully believing in the LDS teachings (history), but you want the comfort and peace that attending worship gives you, would the two of you consider visiting other congregations? You will likely find that same feeling of peace and centering - just in a different setting.
Good luck - and Mrs. Flyer is very fortunate to have a spouse who wants to attend church with her. I get it about the late-day block - I hated that shift!
. Silver Girl is sailing into the future. She is no longer scared.
Meilingkie wrote:AZFlyer
1400-1700 hrs Church??
What are the other option over there
Sorry, just an ignorant European here
Yes, in our little corner of Arizona, nearly all of the meeting houses have FOUR wards. That means we have blocks starting at 0800, 1000, 1200 and 1400. So when one ward is starting the third hour (i.e. primary) , the other is starting sacrament meeting.
For some people, the church just is a good place for them. I think azflyer is one of them. Some people can filter out the garbage and focus on the good stuff and I applaud them for that. The church is as evil as some of us would like to believe. THey are doing the best they can, but it would just be nice if they could admit mistakes occasionally.
But 2-5 church is a deal breaker. We only have 2 wards in our bldg, it will never have 3 unless the church really is true and Holland's "biggest problem is growth' statement is correct. I rather confident I an right and Holland is wrong.
My friend and I visited the masonic hall yesterday. It gave us a lot to think about.
What struck us most was how organized and respectful it all was.
Something we miss in Church. And the openness and level of discussion. Skyhigh at times.
Maybe we need it, maybe it's the T-shirt to be worn under the prickly woollen sweater.
Because That's what Church feels like to me nowadays. It's a Nice old warm woollen sweater.
But it's all too often irritating.
And the uniquely Dutch custom is: it's every week. Nice as a counterpoint for Church
"Getting the Mormon out of the Church is easier than getting the Mormon out of the Ex-Mormon"
Azflyer, when you and I had lunch we talked a little about what it is that makes you want to stay.
For me, I think it comes down to fond memories of church and scout activities. Being part of a community that all believes the same way, growing up sharing church experiences, and keeping me on a good track in life with a lot of good values taught and instilled.
There is a significant amount of nostalgia for me when I think about all the years growing up in the church, going on a mission, etc.
If you remember during our lunch I said that maybe it’s because you want the same kinds of experiences for your kids. Being completely honest, there is a part of me that does feel that way.
I believe one of the reasons Dan Wotherspoon stays (based on some podcasts I’ve listened to) is because the community of the church was there for him at a time when he needed that in his life, to get him on a better track. Perhaps there is some of that for those who do stay. They feel that connection, maybe that they owe where they are in life to the church community.
I think that you and I tend to be similar in our focus on positives. I don’t know what it is that is really getting you down about it being harder and harder to stay. You seem to be saying that it has to do with the meeting time change, but it seems like there should be more to it than that.
Is it that your wife isn’t willing to support you taking the kids to church that late in the day, or is it difficult for you to take them at that time? Is there more to it than the meeting time change that is making it harder and harder for you to stay?
I'm with you. I have a hard time with some of the doctrine, but hey, I have a hard time with some of the doctrine with Christianity in general. BUT, I do like the sense of community I get from my ward, and I do appreciate the members who are trying to be better people and helping people along the way.
For me, Mormonism is part of my DNA. I'm certainly a cafeteria Mormon and it's working for me for now, but I'm with you....once that 1:00PM block comes around, it gets harder and harder!