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Which one of you posted this on

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:45 pm
by MalcolmVillager
CougarBoard (BYU not middle age women)?

Check out #6-8 haha, CES Letter and the Essays.

If I were a dirty Yewt, my fantasy list for the complete demise of BYU football
would be more of the same. If I were a Yewt insider trying to destroy everything holy about BYU, this is what I'd be hoping and working for:

1. BYU to cling on to independence with a permanent death grip (no P5 invite and no going to a G5 conference with NY6 access; just permanent purgatory).

2. BYU to continue to schedule with 5 super tough games up front, and 5-6 terrible games on the back.

3. BYU to rallly around and support the current AD office and football coaches for the next 4-5 years, and to especially treat them as untouchable because of their brand and legacy (and accomplishments before many BYU fans were born).

4. BYU TV to continue to invest big in comedy and fiction programming, rather than in athletic programming (especially decent announcers, graphics, crew).

5. For Utah to keep beating us on the field, in recruiting, and with rankings / records. For Whitt and top former BYU athletes to oversee this yearly debacle.

6. For BYU football players to continually break the Honor Code and the the law, and to get caught publicly.

7. For BYU and the LDS church to foster policies and teachings that further ratchet up divisions with LGBTQ community, boy scouts / girl scouts, non-Mormons / ex-Mormons, those who study Mormon history, Republicans / Democrats, etc. The more BYU and LDS church "goes it alone," the better (from a dirty Yewt perspective).

8. For apostacy, and angst about CES letter and "the essays" to spread, further putting pressure on BYU from inside and outside.

9. For BYU to develop a pattern of losing records and not going to bowls, and thus decreasing viewership and attendence.

10. For BYU to renegotiate the ESPN contract while ESPN is in a financial free fall and BYU is in a pattern of losing records and poor audience draw.

11. For BYU players, former players, and fans to all tear each other up in public, and acuse each other of being "dirty Yewts"--destroying much of the fun and community of being a BYU fan. The Cougar Club lunches become a whine festival with entitled, angry donors.

12. For the Brethren and the BOT to get increasingly fed up with the diviseness amongst the faithful over BYU football, the financial costs of BYU football, and the public and off field incidents that give the Church and BYU a black eye.

Again, this is not what I'm wishing, this is just my concerning observation of our current pattern. It seems we are well on our way to fulfilling every dirty Yewt's fantasy on the course we are currently on--we just need to keep doing more of the same and our demise is on target as a dirty Yewt would hope.

Alternatively, we can make some very dramatic changes to give ourselves a better future, but some of these changes may need to be very radical.

Re: Which one of you posted this on

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:05 pm
by Josephsmith
I can't believe there are 3 universities named after him. BY TV is just like BY the man, booooring and one dimensional.

Re: Which one of you posted this on

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:20 pm
by Spicy McHaggis
cougarboard is easily the most unintentionally funny place on the internet.