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Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:46 pm
by sparky
So if you haven't heard, conference is this weekend. I will be watching yet again with DW, but this time I want something productive or at least distractive to do while the drones drone. DW traditionally works on crocheting something, while I have been the one with nothing to do but try not to show my disgust with the whole thing. It's not fair since she's the one who wants to watch.

So this time I want to something to keep my mind off actually listening. I've thought about buying a simple model car or something to put together. Any of you NOMs have ideas? What do you do when you're forced to sit through eight hours of this rubbish?

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:16 pm
by Korihor
If you can stay on your phone - twitter.

You can toggle between TBM and exmo tweets. Live action twitter can be fun.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:54 pm
by GoodBoy
Smart phones are God's gift to NOMs.

There is usually a real-time thread here so people can type their frustrations instead of yelling it at their TVs in front of their families.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:05 pm
by Red Ryder
For Saturday:

Mow your lawn and do yard work with headphones on. Let the wife/family think your listening to conf. Hide behind the bushes and quickly read through the NOM conference thread. Repeat the sound bites from the Uchtdorf talk to your family. Then follow up with your love for the guy.

For Sunday:

Fake food poisoning and sit in the bathroom for two hours watching netflix. Repeat for the afternoon session.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:06 pm
by blazerb
Learn to crochet with your wife. Or take up whittling. I like sudoku. Maybe you could make sketches of the speakers and improve your art skills. Make a latch hook rug. Make an outline for a novel. It will look like you are taking notes. Create a bucket list. Put a puzzle together. I guess I could go on. There are a bunch of little hobbies you could take up. They may not move your life forward very much, but they might help get you through those 10 hours.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:48 pm
by 2bizE
You could cook a large meal for the family. Homemade bread. Potatoes and gravy. Roast beef or pork. Tiramisu. Maybe not. This will get you out of the t.v. room to check on the cookings frequently.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:31 am
by RubinHighlander
Fortunately I don't have to sit through the mind numbing rubbish anymore. But, if I did I would rely on the same methods I use to get through my weekend yard work: a good beer buzz and a little MJ herbal supplement. That would put me at risk for off the cuff remarks and an increase in bad dad humor, which is fine unless I was in mixed TBM company, then it would be better that I just lean on the mobile device.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 1:20 pm
by Enoch Witty
Dude, mobile games. This isn't that hard. :lol:

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:32 pm
by Grace2Daisy
Play a game called Joseph and Emma!

You pick three women in the ward you believe the Lord would allow you to have as polygamist wives. Your DW also makes a list of women in the ward she would allow to be her polygamist sisters. Then compare the two lists. By the time the argument, err. . .ah. . . discussion is over. . . . . . so is that session on GC. Just in time to sing, Praise to the Man!

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:18 pm
by Red Ryder
Grace2Daisy wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:32 pm Play a game called Joseph and Emma!

You pick three women in the ward you believe the Lord would allow you to have as polygamist wives. Your DW also makes a list of women in the ward she would allow to be her polygamist sisters. Then compare the two lists. By the time the argument, err. . .ah. . . discussion is over. . . . . . so is that session on GC. Just in time to sing, Praise to the Man!
Why stop at 3?

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:20 pm
by oliblish
Grace2Daisy wrote: Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:32 pm Play a game called Joseph and Emma!

You pick three women in the ward you believe the Lord would allow you to have as polygamist wives. Your DW also makes a list of women in the ward she would allow to be her polygamist sisters. Then compare the two lists. By the time the argument, err. . .ah. . . discussion is over. . . . . . so is that session on GC. Just in time to sing, Praise to the Man!
To be more realistic you should choose a couple of dozen and not tell your wife.

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:37 pm
by ulmite
Origami tesselations?

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:56 pm
by nibbler
Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?
Mindless? Maybe pay attention to conference?

Re: Need something mindless to do during conference...ideas?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:26 am
If your cohabitants are in positions of authority over you (like mine are) then I do not recommend anything with a phone. A better tactic is to get a notebook for doodling or other purposes. In mine, I have written story ideas and electronic circuit designs, and the process of generating them looks to the casual observer like note-taking. I prefer my diversionary activities to be mindful rather than mindless, so I am more completely distracted from the unpleasant (usually Mormon) thing transpiring in front of me.