Leaked mission president seminar notes
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:55 pm
Has anyone else read through the new mormonleaks?
https://mormonleaks.io/wiki/documents/b ... -09-09.pdf
Its from 2015 but outlines a lot of the things they have been doing down to the exact wording some of the missionaries have used trying to visit us.
Some interesting things I noted.
https://mormonleaks.io/wiki/documents/b ... -09-09.pdf
Its from 2015 but outlines a lot of the things they have been doing down to the exact wording some of the missionaries have used trying to visit us.
Some interesting things I noted.
Advice to the MP's wives:15. Missionaries sometimes shy away from Joseph Smith.
16. They should focus on him rather than shying away from or being ashamed of him.
17. Never make the story of the Prophet Joseph Smith common place.
18. List on a white board the “fruits” of the Prophet Joseph Smith”.
30. The seer stone of Joseph Smith’s day is like our IPhone of today.
Here's one they get right. On final interviews:You need to be a comfort and a soulmate to your husbands, ask him how you can help him in his challenges. Be their lover, their helpmate, their romantic partner, their constant support.
And typical misogyny:8. Do not counsel to marry within a given time.
The reality of letting members leave or go inactive:6. Sister missionaries are better used in providing training, not conducting zone conferences.
... and the solution is:The 'one' has a thousand behind them. The sister who was baptized found that her great great grandfather was a member of the church. Because of inactivity of parents, grandparents, etc. she was not baptized until later. She counted all the descendants of her great great grandfather who were not members of the Church and there were over a thousand.
Replace pornography with family history.