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I said no to another calling

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 6:00 am
by oliver_denom
I had to say no to another calling today, and it was difficult because this time it was extended by friends in the Stake Presidency. I could tell they felt inspired by God to give this to me in order to help me, and bring me back into the fold, and I told them no. It felt like I was refusing their love and assistance, like they had come to my door with a homemade apple pie and I politely asked them to shove it up their ass.

There's no way around it. I did the right thing, but I feel awful about it. Doing right and speaking truth don't guarantee good outcomes, sometimes they really suck. All I have is the hope that acting in good faith will eventually turn out better than acting in bad faith.

Re: I said no to another calling

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:20 am
by Korihor
Sucks when doing the right thing is so hard. Sorry you had to turn down a friend.

I had something happen to me in a related vein not too long ago. The EQP invited me and another apostate to watch the McGregor fight at a EQ guys night party. I really couldn't have attended, but I really wanted to watch the fight, so I ordered it at my house and the other apostate (including his family) came over. I didn't have to abandon my family and I got to drink beer on my couch while watching the fight.

The EQP was hurt I didn't attend and had my own party instead, but it was an impossible situation. Sucks when that happens.

For future reference, tell them to eat their own pie. It will still end up in their ass within 24 hours.

Re: I said no to another calling

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 10:46 am
by Linked
It's hard to tell people you care about no, sorry you had to go through it, again. And the church encourages putting you and them in that situation repeatedly. Hopefully you can maintain the good relationships in spite of that pressure.

Re: I said no to another calling

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 1:47 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Gets easier with time, and more empowering.

Re: I said no to another calling

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 2:44 pm
by Red Ryder
And remember, "no" is a complete sentence!