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Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:09 am
by Palerider
Many times when disaster strikes, if a church building or individuals are spared from the effects, it is considered a miracle and by inference a testimony that the church is true.

So now that we see that the Houston temple was not spared, but has flooded fairly badly, what are we supposed to think?

I know, I's a test.....the saints needed this to humble them.....they needed this experience to allow them to either way, flood or no flood, miracle or no miracle, the church is still true.

But if it HAD been spared it would have been a miracle proving that the church is true. No doubt about that. :|

But then....if the church is still true regardless of which way the disaster goes....why broadcast the apparently miraculous events in the first place? That wouldn't be using the tool of sensationalism to manipulate members would it? :?

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:39 am
by wtfluff
Palerider wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:09 am But then....if the church is still true regardless of which way the disaster goes....why broadcast the apparently miraculous events in the first place? That wouldn't be using the tool of sensationalism to manipulate members would it? :?
Funny thing is... "The Church" (And / or any one of it's wholly owned media companies) was still "bragging" that the temple hadn't flooded, when there was evidence that it had actually flooded.

But they would NEVER sensationalize anything for their own benefit, Just ask Jeffrey F. Holland...

Houston Temple Floods

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:35 pm
by Nonny
Palerider wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:09 am But then....if the church is still true regardless of which way the disaster goes....why broadcast the apparently miraculous events in the first place? That wouldn't be using the tool of sensationalism to manipulate members would it? :?
Crazy, huh? This strategy works in numerous scenarios. Heads I win, tails you lose.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 12:57 pm
by Corsair
I am interested in asking several probing questions of the faithful that I imagine would be very poorly received. For example, "what combination of natural disasters could transpire that would lead you to conclude that Mormonism was not the one, true church?" Clearly it cannot be that LDS churches are spared flood, fire, and hurricane. I hold no ire towards churches and wish them to come through this flooding as dry as possible. I am more inclined to wish that kind of good fortune on any home or hospital first, of course.

I am confident that the Houston floods are not a sign that God's wrath is upon Texas. It's a sign that nature is a calloused, indifferent set of circumstances because we live on the crust of cooling planet warmed by a radioactive core along with just enough water on the surface to keep things interesting. As a result, I'm not going to annoy my believing friends and family with this line of inquiry.

Next Sunday is Fast Sunday. I expect a better return on donating any September fast offerings to the Red Cross rather than to the LDS church in any capacity.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:03 pm
by Red Ryder
This clearly is a result of the architect becoming a woman.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:43 pm
by Corsair
Red Ryder wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:03 pm This clearly is a result of the architect becoming a woman.
I went looking for a hilariously sexist backstory on this claim and then remembered Laurie Lee Hall – Standing in my truth, Walking in my faith on Mormon Stories.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:21 am
by sirensong
i'm certain before it's all over that there will be some picture of jesus or a book of mormon or some extra special artifact that will remain untouched from the effects of the flooding - there will be miracle in all this dammit... there will be...

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:35 pm
sirensong wrote: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:21 am i'm certain before it's all over that there will be some picture of jesus or a book of mormon or some extra special artifact that will remain untouched from the effects of the flooding - there will be miracle in all this dammit... there will be...
Like that Jesus painting in the Provo Tabernacle. And I thought that relic veneration was only a practice of the whore of all the Earth, even the Roman Catholic Church.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:24 pm
by Korihor
Corsair wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2017 2:43 pm
Red Ryder wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:03 pm This clearly is a result of the architect becoming a woman.
I went looking for a hilariously sexist backstory on this claim and then remembered Laurie Lee Hall – Standing in my truth, Walking in my faith on Mormon Stories.
The best part about this is the architect became a women instead of was a woman.

The architect was a male at the time of the Houston Temple's design/construction/dedication. Comes out as transgender in 2017 and a few months later the temple floods. Coincidence, I think not. The church needs to take out a better insurance policy on all the temples designed by this architect. Clearly, God is pissed and is rebaptizing these temples by water and/or fire.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:26 pm
by Corsair
Korihor wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:24 pm The architect was a male at the time of the Houston Temple's design/construction/dedication. Comes out as transgender in 2017 and a few months later the temple floods. Coincidence, I think not. The church needs to take out a better insurance policy on all the temples designed by this architect. Clearly, God is pissed and is rebaptizing these temples by water and/or fire.
I suppose you realize that this is exactly the kind of desperate apologetic that believers would recite after they hear the story of Laurie Lee Hall. This would not be a joke at all. A back story like this suddenly puts all the travails of the Houston temple into focus and makes it "OK" that it happened. It's a faith affirming story of the divine policy of Sodom and Gomorrah still in force today. "God will not be mocked", and He is willing to incur an unconscionable amout of restoration expenses to keep his temple clean.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:35 pm
by Korihor
Corsair wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:26 pm
Korihor wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:24 pm The architect was a male at the time of the Houston Temple's design/construction/dedication. Comes out as transgender in 2017 and a few months later the temple floods. Coincidence, I think not. The church needs to take out a better insurance policy on all the temples designed by this architect. Clearly, God is pissed and is rebaptizing these temples by water and/or fire.
I suppose you realize that this is exactly the kind of desperate apologetic that believers would recite after they hear the story of Laurie Lee Hall. This would not be a joke at all. A back story like this suddenly puts all the travails of the Houston temple into focus and makes it "OK" that it happened. It's a faith affirming story of the divine policy of Sodom and Gomorrah still in force today. "God will not be mocked", and He is willing to incur an unconscionable amount of restoration expenses to keep his temple clean.
Per Dan Peterson, the church is ex hypothesi true. So yes, I was channeling my form TBM mindset to come to this answer.

Re: Houston Temple flooded

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 3:37 pm
by Linked
Corsair wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2017 2:26 pm
Korihor wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:24 pm The architect was a male at the time of the Houston Temple's design/construction/dedication. Comes out as transgender in 2017 and a few months later the temple floods. Coincidence, I think not. The church needs to take out a better insurance policy on all the temples designed by this architect. Clearly, God is pissed and is rebaptizing these temples by water and/or fire.
I suppose you realize that this is exactly the kind of desperate apologetic that believers would recite after they hear the story of Laurie Lee Hall. This would not be a joke at all. A back story like this suddenly puts all the travails of the Houston temple into focus and makes it "OK" that it happened. It's a faith affirming story of the divine policy of Sodom and Gomorrah still in force today. "God will not be mocked", and He is willing to incur an unconscionable amout of restoration expenses to keep his temple clean.
Yep. This would have satisfied my need for a cause when I was TBM. And it bolsters the church's homophobia to boot!

Too bad all those people's homes had to be ruined by her. \S