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I'd go crazy without NOM

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:38 am
by Advocate
I finally registered using a new name. I was hoo on the last forum, but decided to switch it up for fun. I read a lot but don't say much, which is why it took me so long to register.

I grew up LDS, served a mission, BYU, married in the temple, etc. Was a TBM for a long time. I started listening to podcasts in 2012 and they woke me up to seeing things differently. I took a few years to do further studying and finally concluded that the truth claims of the church aren't accurate. I try to look for the good in the church and focus on the positive. I'm currently serving in with the deacons and I do my best to help them have a good moral compass.

My username will tell you what my profession is.

Wife is still a TBM, but she knows about my disaffection. I'm naturally quiet so I have no problems maintaining the facade at church. My day to day life is pretty much like every other TBM in that I still keep the WOW, don't swear, etc. The only outward thing that I do differently is my interpretation on tithing.

I have to say thank you to all the NOM posters who have counseled those in a faith transition to be the best spouse they can be. I took that completely to heart which made telling my wife easier. My wife and I are closer now and have a better relationship now than we ever did when I was a TBM.

Re: I'd go crazy without NOM

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:58 am
by AllieOop
Glad you're back :)

I enjoyed reading your intro and learning more about you!

Re: I'd go crazy without NOM

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:00 pm
by MoPag
I'd go crazy-well crazier-without NOM too! Glad you are here with us.

Re: I'd go crazy without NOM

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:37 pm
by Ghost
When the old site was down, I checked it nearly every day.

As far as I know, I also don't do much that would reveal my heterodoxy. And that's in part just by nature of being introverted. It's funny how one of the biggest giveaways is breaking the thou shalt nots in the Word of Wisdom. But those are not things I've so far felt the inclination to do, personally, regardless of what I think about the origins of the teaching.