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Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:05 pm
by Korihor
We share an Amazon account with my brothers and parents - it's easier than everyone paying $100/year individually.

A bitter sweet side effect is everyone can see what anyone orders. Really, it's no biggie. My young SIL recently ordered a Tattoo mormon al caraway's book.

So I placed several books in the checkout cart. I'm not really going to buy them, just let them sit in there for a while for the rest of the family to see.
(no man know's my history, origins of power, mormon enigma) Just the standard works.

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:56 pm
by Stig
:D Please make sure to return and report.

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:04 pm
by AllieOop
Korihor wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2017 2:05 pm We share an Amazon account with my brothers and parents - it's easier than everyone paying $100/year individually.

A bitter sweet side effect is everyone can see what anyone orders. Really, it's no biggie. My young SIL recently ordered a Tattoo mormon al caraway's book.

So I placed several books in the checkout cart. I'm not really going to buy them, just let them sit in there for a while for the rest of the family to see.
(no man know's my history, origins of power, mormon enigma) Just the standard works.
Ha! I love it.

When you're ready to amp it up, add: ... UTF8&psc=1

And: ... 210&sr=1-1

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:46 pm
by Red Ryder
Add a few sex toys for flavor!

Back when the board was discussing underwear I clicked on some of the links to panties on Amazon. Apparently I was logged into my amazon account and they showed up in the recently browsed. I get home and the wife asks later why I'm looking at panties on Amazon.

My response: it must have been your sister?? Doesn't she use our account too? :lol:

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:27 pm
by Emower
I told my wife I was going to buy a zebra banana hammock to wear. I started looking at some kinky stuff while logged into my sister-in-laws amazon. That was a little awkward.

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:06 pm
by Korihor
Red Ryder wrote: Thu Aug 17, 2017 3:46 pm Add a few sex toys for flavor!
I would to stir the pot, however I'm extremely confident hat would backfire terrribly. Still trying to win the war.

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:51 am
by 2bizE
It sounds pretty fun doing that until you really need to buy something you don't want them to see.
Mrs. Misbehaved's sister speaking to Mrs. Misbehaved: is that your husband or my husband buying the anal plug on Amazon?
You could use some of your extra 10% and get your own account...just saying...

Re: Passive aggressive behavior

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:41 pm
by Just This Guy
Do you all use the same account or do you have separate logins but they are linked to one account?

If you all share a login, you do not need to. You can setup an Amazon Prime family household plan. this way you only pay one membership fee, but you can have several different logins and each login does not see the browsing of the other members. This way you are not seeing what everyone else is looking at.

DW and I have that setup. Normally we don't care if one person see's the other's browsing, but we do have a rule that we can't peak at each others accounts before birthdays, Christmas, and Valentine's day.