Her response: “She sounds like she’s just complaining. I didn’t like what she said at all.”
I was disheartened by that response and discussed it with her. She said that she is stressed about my faith transition. She’s worried that I sent her the podcast link because I was planning to stop going to church, which wasn’t the reason. I got the sense that because I hadn’t brought things up for so long, maybe she assumed I was all back to “normal”.
I asked her later that night if she thought there was something wrong with me, because of the issues I have with the church. I asked her if she thought I was broken. Her response: “I don’t know”. I think she doesn’t want to deal with this and she wants to pretend that things are going away. It really wanted me to bring things up some more, but I let it go.
I went ahead and typed up my thoughts after our discussion, partly to think about sending to her and partly to process how I’m feeling. Here is what I thought about sending her:
Hey Gorgeous,
I’m sorry for making you feel stressed out by sending you the podcast link last week. I really have backed off sharing things with you for quite a while. I love you and I respect where you are right now with your beliefs. I don’t share things with you to cause you stress. Some of the things you’ve said to me have caused me stress too. I suppose that’s how marriages typically work, though.
I would like you to just go through a thought process with me, a little true or false. Think about these and ask yourself if you believe that any of these statements are true about me:
1. I didn’t take the foundational claims of the church seriously.
2. I was insincere in my attempts at studying church history.
3. I didn’t study church history to answer people’s questions to help others see Mormonism in a better light. I really only studied it so that I could find out all the problems.
4. I haven’t looked into church issues using credible sources.
5. I haven’t looked into the issues enough.
6. My issues with the church aren’t real; I’m just making them up.
7. My hope in finding issues with the church is so I can justify being lazy and sin all I want.
8. My intent is to cause discord in my marriage.
9. I want to cause my wife stress by sharing with her where I currently am with my beliefs and the church.
10. I really just want to hurt relationships in my family.
I hope you know the truth, that none of these statements are true. Sometimes I feel like you believe at least some of them are true and it makes me sad, and sometimes angry. That you don’t have enough faith and trust in me to be able to weigh the issues, be sincere in my efforts, dig deeply and really struggle to resolve things the best I can. That hurts me.
That you don’t believe I’ve experienced real pain wrestling with these issues is difficult for me. There has been and sometimes still is a great deal of pain and it hurts even more when the person I love the most dismisses it as not real, that I'm just “whining”, or that it’s just me looking at anti-Mormon stuff, or whatever else that invalidates and rewrites my experience.
All I’m after is for you to believe me when I tell you that I have done everything I can to maintain all of the Mormon beliefs I’ve been taught my entire life. I’m asking you to believe me that what I’ve experienced is real, please don't dismiss it as fake.
I love you.