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"By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:49 pm
by Liberated Me
Hi! Original post is a few lines down. It’s been 1 1/2 years since I last ventured at NOM and am so glad to see that you are all thriving! Nom sweet Nom! I thought I’d revive this post to see what goodies we can come up with now.

“By their gaslighting shall ye know them.”

Let's play a game. Fill in the blank.

My turn: "by their back mold shall ye know them."

Yes! As in fungus that is on the skin of the back of a person! We have nommish friends who lived in Hong Kong for five years that returned a couple of months ago. He told us that one of his lawyer friends Who is a Utah Mormon currently living in Hong Kong went to get checked up at the family doctor. When the doctor went to listen to his lungs he said, "you must be LDS."
" I am. How could you tell?"
" because you have mold on your back.", the doctor replied. " you people wear two layers of clothes and it doesn't always breathe very well."

^true story

I'm not sure if any of you remember me, I just wanted to say hi. Life has been pretty good and most of the time I'm so focused and busy on other things that I no longer need as much support for dealing with Mormonism. most of my Sundays alternate between being lazy at home, going to a yoga class, or going to a portrait paint class downtown. I love Sundays again! I also love normal people underwear!

Your turn.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:26 pm
by Anon70
Back mold!!! I have never heard of that - ew!

By their hole-y garments shall ye know them.

I live in a poor, hot locale. Many of the brethren buy thin, inexpensive white shirts for Sunday. Many of these same brethren can't afford garments when their current ones wear out. One guy in particular has a garment top with a huge hole in the front lower stomach. It's all I can do to not stare at it through his thin shirt every few Sundays.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:37 pm
by Liberated Me
Anon70 wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:26 pm Back mold!!! I have never heard of that - ew!

By their hole-y garments shall ye know them.

I live in a poor, hot locale. Many of the brethren buy thin, inexpensive white shirts for Sunday. Many of these same brethren can't afford garments when their current ones wear out. One guy in particular has a garment top with a huge hole in the front lower stomach. It's all I can do to not stare at it through his thin shirt every few Sundays.
"Hole-y garments, Batman! The Mormons are out today!"


Agreed! I had to secretly dispose of my husband's hole-y garments. They are his favorite because they have "built-in air-conditioning".

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:31 am
by hmb
Hair color/style
wallet ($)
marked skin (tattoos)
Sunday dress
Political affiliation

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:35 am
by hmb
Liberated Me wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2017 5:37 pm Agreed! I had to secretly dispose of my husband's hole-y garments. They are his favorite because they have "built-in air-conditioning".
Tops or bottoms? I was just wondering where ac would be most favored?

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:28 am
by 2bizE
By their breast augmentation shall years know them. ... ery-140502

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:58 am
by Corsair
2bizE wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:28 am By their breast augmentation shall years know them. ... ery-140502
This was one of the weird surprises when I visit Utah. There are a surprising number of billboards along the freeway advertising cosmetic surgery. Surely this must simply be all the feminists, intellectuals, and homosexuals in Utah causing this demand.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:07 am
by crossmyheart
for the women-
"Primary Voice"
and for the men-
"William Shatner's Dramatic-pause-voice"

or gender neutral-
"Utah accent" I can always pick one out of a crowd at Disneyland

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:50 am
by No Tof
By their food storage shall ye know them.......

Sill trying to reduce mine to something reasonable. Need some dried food? Wheat? ...... will trade for coffee. 8-)

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:31 am
by wtfluff
By their 4-6 children under 10-years-old shall ye know them.

Or even better:
crossmyheart wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:07 am"Utah accent" I can always pick one out of a crowd at Disneyland
By their 4-6 children under 10-years-old with the entire family dressed in BYU garb at Disneylad shall ye know them.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:56 am
by SeeNoEvil
By their garments used as tank tops you shall know them.

A few weeks ago while standing in line to board a plane the woman in front of me had on a white tank top with a very low cut back with shoe lacing weaved across the back. The back line hole went down to her waist. Then she turned around and the front of her top wasn't much different.... same plunging neck line, same shoe lace style.... but no worries, she had garments under all that to cover up her nakedness so my eyes were spared the porn-i-ness of the outfit.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:03 am
by Anon70
SeeNoEvil wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:56 am By their garments used as tank tops you shall know them.

A few weeks ago while standing in line to board a plane the woman in front of me had on a white tank top with a very low cut back with shoe lacing weaved across the back. The back line hole went down to her waist. Then she turned around and the front of her top wasn't much different.... same plunging neck line, same shoe lace style.... but no worries, she had garments under all that to cover up her nakedness so my eyes were spared the porn-i-ness of the outfit.
hahaha! I knew two women who wore sheer tops with just their garments and bras--with the bra in regulation position on top. You could see everything!

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:56 am
by redjay
By their, nonsensical rationale for not drinking coffee while drinking sodas by the gallon, ye shall know them

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:20 pm
By their enemies shall ye know them.

By their so-called scholars or intellectuals shall ye know them.

By their coding style shall ye know them.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:50 pm
by Korihor
Liberated Me wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:49 pm the doctor replied. " you people wear two layers of clothes and it doesn't always breathe very well."
While driving home yesterday afternoon, I told my wife the best part of fathers day was not wearing 2 shirts, at tie, slacks, heavy dress shoes and just plain too much formal dress wear and going to church - sweating my b@11$ off in church and then dreading the end of church and climbing inside a car that has been baking in direct Phoenix sunlight for last 4 hours - only to get in the car at 2:00 in the afternoon. It's the HOTTEST time of the day at the HOTTEST time of the year! And everyone is wearing the HOTTEST attire.

Garments suck. Inappropriate dress for the weather sucks. Overly hot buildings because the thermostat is managed by an old lady with a shawl sucks.

How shall we know them??? They're the only morons wearing full formal dress clothes on Sunday in Phoenix!!! And Tues-Wednes-Thurs evenings at the local chapel.

Note - I didn't go to church yesterday. It was nice. The above description was my experience last year.

Side note - as mentioned before, we've attended a local Christian congregation a few times. It's come-as-you-are dress code. At first, it was odd going not going 'dressed' for church. I definitely overdressed - jeans, button shirt, leather shoes. But now we are acclimated and it's awesome just putting on whatever is comfortable and not giving a F about dress codes.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 3:00 pm
by Red Ryder
Hi Liberated Me! :)

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:26 pm
by trophywife26.2
BACK MOLD!!!!! it's just awful and sad.

Before I even clicked on this I thought, "undies" because I'm potty training a little one right now and we Mormons, exMormons and inbetweeners are a bit obsessed with underwear. He is. She's not. Whose on my team? Who is not?

But, based on the back mold starter I'll say, "By their yeast infections ye shall know them." :?

Those layers aren't doing any favors for women and their downstairs regions either.

Nothing made me want to move to Alaska like Mormon garments.


Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:08 pm
by Hagoth
By their cold caffeine shall ye know them.

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2017 6:19 am
by document
By their 4-6 children under 10-years-old shall ye know them.
Not anymore, in my community I see more non-LDS people than LDS people. I wonder if the millennials are creating a mini-baby-boom right now. Everyone has a bunch of kids in tow.

"By their frizzy hair shall ye know them" (Idaho Mormon women)
"By their Mormon smile shall ye know them"
"By their 14-seater van shall ye know them"

Re: "By their ________ shall ye know them"

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:56 pm
by a1986
back. . . . mold . . .

wow. that is simultaneously disgusting and hilarious.