Podcasts Not Related to Mormonism
Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:30 pm
I think we might have had a thread like this on the old board, but I don't see one here.
I still don't like the word "podcast," but I guess I have to live with it. Mormon Stories (and later, Mormon Expression) introduced me to the format and I've since branched out a little to listen to other things.
Waking Up
A while back, I was looking for interviews with Jonathan Haidt and discovered that Sam Harris had recorded a conversation with him. Harris happened to be the only one of the so-called "four horsemen" of "new atheism" I had not yet read anything by. I enjoyed his conversation with Haidt, and at this point I have listened to just about his entire run. He chooses his guests well and the topics are always fascinating.
Why? Philosophical Discussions about Everyday Life
Jack Russell Weinstein talks with a variety of guests with interesting perspecives. I think I found this one in a random list someone put together of philosophy-related podcasts. Of those I sampled, this is the one that immediately grabbed me. One of the first episodes I listened to happened to be with the writer of one of my college textbooks.
The Book Was Better
I'm a little embarrassed to mention this one because it gets kind of vulgar at times. But I guess Infants on Thrones does as well. Anyway, this podcast is from Australia. Luke Milton and different guests talk about novelizations of movies (which, of course, are often quite terrible). I occasionally listen to an episode of this when I want something a little less serious.
Any other recommendations?
I still don't like the word "podcast," but I guess I have to live with it. Mormon Stories (and later, Mormon Expression) introduced me to the format and I've since branched out a little to listen to other things.
Waking Up
A while back, I was looking for interviews with Jonathan Haidt and discovered that Sam Harris had recorded a conversation with him. Harris happened to be the only one of the so-called "four horsemen" of "new atheism" I had not yet read anything by. I enjoyed his conversation with Haidt, and at this point I have listened to just about his entire run. He chooses his guests well and the topics are always fascinating.
Why? Philosophical Discussions about Everyday Life
Jack Russell Weinstein talks with a variety of guests with interesting perspecives. I think I found this one in a random list someone put together of philosophy-related podcasts. Of those I sampled, this is the one that immediately grabbed me. One of the first episodes I listened to happened to be with the writer of one of my college textbooks.
The Book Was Better
I'm a little embarrassed to mention this one because it gets kind of vulgar at times. But I guess Infants on Thrones does as well. Anyway, this podcast is from Australia. Luke Milton and different guests talk about novelizations of movies (which, of course, are often quite terrible). I occasionally listen to an episode of this when I want something a little less serious.
Any other recommendations?