I recently discovered this piece of historical information, to me this is pretty darn close to a smoking gun.
In 1834, Oliver Cowdery seems to be totally unaware of Joseph Smith's Grove Vision and thinks the Gold Plate Vision is the first visitation Joseph had received.
The first written account of the Grove Vision by Joseph is in the Kirkland letter book and is undated. The church dates it to 1832. This dating has always been a head scratcher to me since the account is not chronologically in order with Joseph's evolving theology, and no one at the time seems to know about it. The church's dating is problematic and based on very flimsy circumstantial evidence. The dating can actually range from 1832 to 1837. Perhaps in the future I should write a post on the dating of the 1832 letter book account.
In 1834, Oliver composed some letters to W.W Phelps, the letters were later published as a church history in the Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate, Vol. I. No. 1. Kirtland, Ohio, October, 1834.
Digital Scan - BYU library http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm/ref/co ... 46/id/2828 each page is in a separate pdf file, click on the right side for each pdf
Digital Scan - https://www.slideshare.net/HalcyonKing/ ... w-w-phelps all pages are in a single pdf
Text Version - https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Letters_ ... day_Saints
As you read Letter III page 16, you will think he is describing the context of the Grove Vision. He is not! He is describing the environment leading up to the Gold Plate Vision described later in Letter IV pg 19.
The silver bullet is in Letter IV pg 18 where Oliver describes some of the reasons for the Gold Plate Vision, "...he continued to call upon the Lord in secret for a full manifestation of divine approbation, and for, to him, the all important information, if a Supreme being did exist, to have an assurance that he was accepted of him."
What? Really? Joseph didn't know if a supreme being existed! after the Grove Vision had already happened!
This account plus all the other historical lack of evidences indicates that among all the early saints (including Oliver) up to 1835+ the Gold Plate Vision was the First Vision.
Reading through Oliver's account here is a list of some of the key aspects of the Gold Plate Vision:
- Methodist Pastor Lane preaching at the time
- Religious excitement / contention in the area
- Joseph's mother, sisters, brothers join the Presbyterians
- Joseph was troubled about which church to join
- Year is 1823
- Joseph desired to know if a Supreme being even existed
- Joseph wanted to know if he was accepted and his sins were forgiven
- Oliver references James 1:5 indirectly - To those who knock, it shall be opened
- Joseph called upon the Lord in his bedroom
- Bright light appeared and then a single personage appeared
- Messenger sent from the Lord (Oliver does not seem to know the name of the messenger)
- Joseph sins were forgiven, his prayers were heard
- Lord has chosen Joseph to be an instrument, spread the gospel
- Derides those who “draw near to God with their mouths, and honor him with their lips while their hearts are far from him” (implying not to join any religion)
- Joseph is given a brief history of aborigines of this country
- Joseph is told of a record written and deposited not far away, part of the record is sealed
So I guess my question is – is my reading of Oliver's account off base or not? Are there other explanations?