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A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 6:53 am
by NOWmormon
Each day, for the rest of May, please share your honest response to each temple recommend question, based on what you believe right now.

Are you a full-tithe payer?

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:30 am
by Silver Girl
Am I a full tithe payer to the LDS church? No. I was a full tithe payer during my membership, though. I'd sure like to get all that money back.

I now contribute regularly to another church, and am gratified that this church does not push tithing the way the LDS culture does, and it does not withhold "blessings" that should be available to all. At the end of each year, my new church asks members to let them know if they plan to donate in the coming year (and what the approximate amount would be), and they use those figures to plan the upcoming budget. They also make it clear that some people may not be in a position to donate, or that things like volunteer time, serving n a non-profit, donating to a cause, etc. are also forms of giving. I was nearly in tears the first time I heard that very loving and Christlike way of interpreting tithing. I also realized that even the subject of tithing gave me PTSD at that time. I've learned a lot in the past few years.

So - i now donate to that church, and I donate to causes, organizations or individuals that move my heart. Some are tax-deductible, and some are not. I also do volunteer work and service for others. The point of giving is not to get a tax deduction. The point of "serving" is not to complete an assignment that was inflicted upon you. It is the act of seeing a need and then filling the need in some manner, to some degree.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:57 am
by Corsair
If my bishop were also my CPA then I can't imagine that I could possibly claim to be a full tithe payer. But he's not and never will be. The handbook simply says 10% of increase and no details or example beyond that.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 9:58 am
by wtfluff
NOWmormon wrote: Fri May 26, 2017 6:53 am #10
Are you a full-tithe payer?
Oh boy... Another fun one.

Here's my official answer: It depends.

If going by the dishonest, wink-wink, nod-nod oral tradition in the LDS Corporation today of "10% of income", NO, I'm not a full tithe payer.

If going by the actual definition of "10% of increase" as documented in the published cannon of scriptures of the LDS Corporation (and the handbook as Corsair mentioned); I overpaid for my entire tithe-paying career, so... I'm actually OK saying YES I am a full tithe payer for the next 20-30 years, until I catch up with my previous overpayment.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:05 am
by oliblish
I look back over the last several decades where I have had a full time job and paid tithing. If I add up all of the tithing I have paid over that time it is quite a large amount. I feel like I am good calling myself a full tithe payer even if I don't pay another dime.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:39 am
by Jinx
I pay ten percent of my income to organizations that do good - Habitat for Humanity, the homeless shelter, etc. So yes.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 11:52 am
by Just This Guy
Please define exactly what a full tithe payer. There are so man definitions, I can't tell.

Really, to the church, not at all. In a Christian sense, (giving to charity of your choice), not quite full these days, but we get as close as we can and as we find charities that interest us.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:19 pm
by LostGirl
Sadly, yes, but more happily, our definition of tithing is evolving over time.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:15 pm
by Dravin

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:44 pm
by Give It Time
Corsair wrote: Fri May 26, 2017 8:57 am If my bishop were also my CPA then I can't imagine that I could possibly claim to be a full tithe payer. But he's not and never will be. The handbook simply says 10% of increase and no details or example beyond that.
I can't remember who, but I think it was Rock Waterman who wrote a terrific post about tithing. If we go on that, yes, I am absolutely a full tithe payers in that I have nothing left after all those required expenses to tithe.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:05 pm
by ulmite
I refuse to give one cent to an institution which causes such suffering for young LGBT members. I am still deciding what to do exactly, so I answer "working on getting it set up".

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 1:05 am
by Random
Are you a full-tithe payer?

Note: I have a different understanding of paying tithes now.
If I don't make enough to provide (and have to have help), I am not supposed to pay tithing (thus, the answer is yes).
If I do make enough to provide, but have nothing to spare, I am not supposed to pay tithing (thus the answer is yes).
If I do have enough, then my tithing goes straight to the poor. No middleman is needed or wanted. (Scripture is plain that tithing is for the poor, and the Book of Mormon harps a lot on one of the main defects being that people will not help the poor, and even touches on fancy buildings and apparel which, imo, is referring to "Pay your tithing even if it means you go hungry, can't pay your bills, etc.," and then the money is used for upkeep on/building fancy buildings, and paying for fine clothing and cars, etc.) So, in this, my answer would still be yes, and a stronger yes than if I was paying to a sect.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 9:49 am
by redjay

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 12:09 pm
by Corsair
Give It Time wrote: Fri May 26, 2017 3:44 pm
Corsair wrote: Fri May 26, 2017 8:57 am If my bishop were also my CPA then I can't imagine that I could possibly claim to be a full tithe payer. But he's not and never will be. The handbook simply says 10% of increase and no details or example beyond that.
I can't remember who, but I think it was Rock Waterman who wrote a terrific post about tithing. If we go on that, yes, I am absolutely a full tithe payers in that I have nothing left after all those required expenses to tithe.
Yes, that was a classic of LDS thought which will annoy the institutional LDS church for many years to come. I would certainly include it with the followup that referenced the Mission President Handbook.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 12:27 pm
by Give It Time
Thank you, Corsair. I would consider those required reading.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:28 pm
by SeeNoEvil
This question no longer applies to me now that I have resigned but as an active TBM the answer was Yes. I try not to think of the thousands of dollars paid in tithing from the time I first was forced to pay it at age 8 by my parents (the church gotta have that dime!) to when my shelf fell at age 58 because when I do I can't control my anger or that sick feeling rising from my stomach. My only saving grace in preventing me from going completely mad visualizing all that money blowing in the wind is that maybe somewhere some of that money went to actually help someone.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 1:11 pm
by Mormorrisey
I used to pay gross because I wanted gross blessings.

Now I plead the fifth. But I consider myself a full tithe payer.

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 6:31 pm
by Can of Worms
I paid tithing on my gross my whole adult life. I think that means DH and I have prepaid until the end of time. So, no - we do not currently pay tithing to an organization that we do not believe in any longer.

Out of curiosity, I took a look back through my checkbooks and tithing receipts to see what our donations amounted too. It was very depressing - we could have been mortgage free years ago if we hadn't paid tithing. I could feel good about donating to a good cause if the money was used to support people in need, etc... but the church's tax filings show that 50% of what is raised is funneled to BYU. :evil:

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 6:41 pm
by Mormorrisey
Can of Worms wrote: Sun May 28, 2017 6:31 pm but the church's tax filings show that 50% of what is raised is funneled to BYU. :evil:
A fellow Canuck, I'll wager?

Re: A different Q15 --------- Question #10 (percent)

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 6:46 pm
by Can of Worms
Mormorrisey wrote: Sun May 28, 2017 6:41 pm
Can of Worms wrote: Sun May 28, 2017 6:31 pm but the church's tax filings show that 50% of what is raised is funneled to BYU. :evil:
A fellow Canuck, I'll wager?
Proudly so! And very irritated that our kids are encouraged to stay in Canada for school yet half our donations are funneled to BYU.